Oregon Jehovah's Witness Rapes and Murders Jehovah's Witness neighbor. The congregation a spiritual paradise..where lambs and lions are at peace?

by Balaamsass 26 Replies latest social current

  • EndofMysteries

    I wonder what meds he was on. I heard some bad stories on effexor for example, people becoming violent and dangerous. It's prescribed so much and it's very dangerous, if somebody has a bad reaction to it, they are a danger to all around them.

  • sir82

    This is the first I've heard of "reproof".

    His computers were filled with child porn. If there as reproof, there was a judicial meeting; if there was a judicial meeting, there were notes taken. Those notes are supposed to be kept for 7 years.

    I.e., if the "reproof" item is true, then there is a very real possibility that the elders knew this guy was trouble, and possibly even knew about his porn addiction. And there ought to be written records to that effect (assuming that the elders, or Bethel, did not give the orders to destroy those files).

    I have to think the police would be interested in knowing whether Holt's congregation elders knew about his child porn habit, and did nothing about it.

  • james_woods

    The question remains: Reproved and removed …….Why? Is there a connection with his being reproved, removed as MS and this crime?

    That question has been in my mind since this story first came to light. I cannot believe that this guy just suddenly did a sex assault and shot the victim multiple times without displaying other examples of strange behavior in the past.

    OK, so the elders removed him as MS - but did they do anything to get him help, or to protect the others in the congregation?

  • 00DAD

    "These people are scum. Brainwashed by scum."

    Let's not forget these people are people. Brainwashed, yes. But people still. Most of us here were among those so brainwashed at one time.

    It is the leadership of this religion that is responsible for coming up with controlling, manipulative beliefs and enforcing abusive policies.

    Most individual JWs just want to be good people and have bought into the belief system complete with all it's lies and damaging practices.

    The scum is floating on the surface.

  • Refriedtruth

    Google-Jehovah's Witnesses and CLICK IMAGES

    A picture tells a thousand words..this is what the Watchtower cult feeds on A cult obsessed with death

    The reality is they are as riddled with scandal as any religion that seeks to put happy face on perversion.

    Research and read Jehovah's Witnesses murders and torture murders



  • tresdecu

    Sir82...if that's the case, what are the odds some of the notes from a (possible) JC were destroyed? Do you think a COBE would be preemptive, and have the sec shred anything that related to earlier problems with his viewing of child porn?


  • sir82
    Do you think a COBE would be preemptive, and have the sec shred anything that related to earlier problems with his viewing of child porn?

    In my experience most COBEs, or elders for that matter, have the creativity, drive, proactivity and originality of sod.

    However, I would not at all be surprised if a service department honcho from Bethel told them to destroy any such file before a subpoena could be served. If that is the case, those files have been ashes for about a week now.

  • Refriedtruth
  • tiki

    i can't believe the mother posted that about not wanting her back.....that is so unnatural.....if she did say it, i would hope it was just a remark made in the heat of the moment - the grief overwhelming. if not, it is very disturbing. VERY disturbing. and the holt deserves a slow anasthaesia free castration....for starters. what a horrible creature - and someone will find a way to feel sorry for him.........ugh.

    as for that co warning the sisters about being out and about - maybe he should have been warning them about going to kingdom halls. seems they have more than their share of freaks.

  • seenitall

    I have direct information that Jonathan Holt was not reproved. He stepped down from being an MS after his "episode" last year. He had not attended meetings the past few months and his wife was getting ready to seperate from him. This info comes from someone in the same cong. who will not be identified. They read letters in all the congs telling ones to not be interviewed by media and refer all questions to the family spokesman. The branch sent out 2 brothers to do comfort the cong (do damage control) and the District Overseer conducted the Memorial Service on Saturday. All this is from reliable source.

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