Freedom Post # 1 - First Timer

by 7Starz 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Xanthippe

    "Next you wonder if you're deceiving yourself and you may start thinking you're the one with the problem.

    Never wonder that!  When others try to impose their will on you,do not give in."

    So true, 7Starz and welcome. While it is a huge effort at first to hang on to what you know to be right, I now trust my own intellect and my instincts. A million people can be wrong.

  • clarity

    7Starz ....... huge welcome .... hope we are a help to you!

    So many jumping on this support site lately.

    Congratulations for having the guts to leave a cult.... not an easy thing to do!




  • DJS


    Welcome to freedom! There are a lot of ex-elders on this site who completely understand your journey. You will enjoy your freedom from the Borg more and more as time goes on. Again, welcome.

  • 7Starz
    It is nice to see all the communications of warmth and thoughtfulness.  Very different from what I experienced in my last days with the organization.
  • KateWild

    Welcome 7starz,

    Thank you for finally posting. We like to hear of ones who have left. I would like to know about some of the hypocrisy and nepotism you experienced. Each of our experiences helps ones who are stuck in to see that holy spirit is not guiding the WT.

    Kate xx

  • Giordano

    The Society is still anchored to it's 19th century beliefs. They still get it wrong in most every way and their followers pay the price for their mistakes. As Eric Hoffer wrote in The True Believer  "An active mass movement rejects the present and centers it's interest on the future. It is from this attitude that it derives it's strength, for it can proceed recklessly with the present, with the health, wealth and lives of it's followers. But it must act as if it has already read the book of the future to the last word. It's doctrine is proclaimed as a key to that book."

  • 7Starz

    Examples of:

    Nepotism:  Watching brothers who are more than qualified jump through hoops of flaming fire trying to get appointed, while sons of elders get appointed with little or no effort.  I was one who waited years doing everything they asked in order to finally get appointed.  Boy I wish I could get all that time back!

    During elders meetings discussing the appointments, watching and listening to other elders describe why someone is not qualified to serve when they themselves were lacking. 

    Hypocrisy:  Seeing friends publicly reproved or disfellowshipped for transgressions while the children of the elders got a "free pass" so to speak (private reproof or just a simple talking to) for the same transgressions.

    I was one who spoke my mind - even going toe to toe with Circuit Overseers when I thought something was not right.  I could see the "Get with the Program" mentality and expressions on others who watched me in action.

    Many wondered why I didn't get deleted right away for having the guts to answer back.  One even called me a white tiger (meaning I was very rare).  I gave many talks on the circuit and district (now regional) level and was one of the most requested public speakers (I apologize if it sounds like I'm bragging as that is not my intention. My following statement will clarify).

    I have served on many bodies of elders in many congregations from coast to coast, each with their own intricacies. The last body of elders I served with were a bunch of self-centered men involved with their own little cliques.  When they did not like someone (such as myself) they made life miserable.  I felt they were jealous of my talents and had it in for me from the moment I set foot in the congregation.

    Finally I could not take it anymore (not being true to myself) and made the decision to resign. 

    With the Circuit Overseers now having the all and final say under the new appointment / deletion powers, I  believe my tenure as an elder would have been short lived.  A company Yes Man, I was NOT. 

  • truthseeker100
    7 Starz did you disassociate or are you fading away. 
  • 7Starz

    The verse in Song # 160 "Walking in Integrity" (former song book of JW's) comes to mind:

    "I do not sit with wicked men of lies.  I hate the company of those who truth despise.  With evil men take not away my life, My soul with those whose hands are full of bribes and strife.  But as for me, determined I shall be to walk eternally, In my integrity." 

    Definition of Integrity:  "the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness" 

    If you don't have your integrity, what do you really have?

    Man, I haven't thought about that song in a while.  I can still hear the tune in my head.

    Truthseeker100:  Check out the lyrics on track four of Rihanna's Loud album from 2010 for your answer.

    Most of the words to the song performed by Rihanna aptly apply to many of us on this board.

  • goingthruthemotions

    7starz....has mike and kim would say...another nail in the washtowel coffin. 

    learning TTATT was best thing i ever learned about the cult. i wish i would have knew it before i go involved in this

    cult. but, good on you mate!!!!

    joining this cult was the worse mistake of my life....if i could turn back time!


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