Thinking of changing my life/ long rant

by DATA-DOG 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • ruderedhead

    Yes, absolutely check into community college! It will probably make a world of difference for you, and set a great example for your daughter. You will find many adults who are going back at the community college as well. It's not just JW's who need to upgrade their skills out there. Just don't make the mistake of taking on a full class load to start. That would be overwhelming for someone with a family, a job,who has to attend the kh and do field service. It might discourage you from continuing with your education.

    Those adults that started college a bit older (myself included), start with one class to get their feet wet, and then take two classes a semester after that. It takes a little longer that way, but you can always take 1 class in the Summer as well. Your local college should be able to give you an apptitude test to see where your strengths and interests are. That might help you in deciding which road to take.

    If you are given grief over going back, can you simply tell them that you cannot do construction your whole life, and need to provide for your family? Just don't talk about it to the jw's. I know women who have gone back as jw's, and they just didn't care if anyone liked it or not. One even went for her Master''s. Both had to provide for themselves/families, and simply did not discuss it. I guess it depends somewhat on the type of congo your in. Hope it all works out for you! It will be the best thing you do for yourself and your daughter. Have a great weekend. DATA-DOG!

  • mamochan13

    College - yes, yes yes! Best thing I ever did post-JW

  • Quendi

    DATA-DOG , I wanted to add this post script to my earlier reply. It is a wonderful thought from George Eliot which I hope you will adopt and follow. She wrote: “It is never too late to be what you might have been.”

    I went back to college while in my forties and six years later earned my degrees in geography and mathematics. It was too late to have a career in either field, but I never ever regretted earning my diploma because it transformed my life for the better. George Eliot was right and I am now the person I wanted to be.


  • cofty

    Good for you DataDog. Further education or training for a career your enjoy is a great idea.

  • A Ha
    A Ha

    DD, I had an account on this site over a decade ago. One of the reasons I became inactive [rimshot] was because I got a little burned out from reading stories like yours, thinking of all the lives that have been passively ruined by this religion. My heart goes out to you.

    I'll add my voice to the college choir. Look into community college. Many colleges (even many prestigious ones) offer full online courses. With the current economy, and changing employment landscape, I think it's even more important that your daughter gets a higher education.

    Schools like Western Governors University are fully acredited, fully online, and much less expensive than other schools.

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    Data Dog. You have experienced the typical life of a JW, spinning your wheels and getting no where. I believe Panhandlegirl's comment is right on "...your daughter will benefit from your example". If you go back to school this may be the key to opening a door of discussion regarding how difficult it is to make a living without higher education. Your own example of why you find yourself working such long hours may get her thinking. Best of luck, at least you are on the right track, and as Quendi mentioned, it's never too late. Leslie

  • perfect1

    tell me what you are thinking of studying.

    You can PM and I can try to help you.


    Thanks everyone. I got a little choked up reading your responses. We may not all be on the same page somedays, but when you get real support from caring people regardless of belief systems, it says a lot about this site and the people on it.

    I have no idea what I want to do. Do I stick with what I know or try something different. Zymurgy actually crossed my mind. I enjoy science and people, so a Brewmaster might be cool. I have to be able to support my family though.. I could go with the fitness route, but my body can't hold out forever. I really don't know what is in demand that doesn't require major schooling. Money is an issue as well. I can't go into debt just to end up working at Starbucks. Not that I am dissing Starbucks or anyone who works there. I just know a lot of kids who went into debt because of school and now work there. I don't think I want to teach my daughter by that example. I need to be smart about this. Right now I am drinking and meditating on it.

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    Meditating with a brew in hand, sets the stage for major reflecting. lol Leslie

  • NeverKnew

    After reading your post, I realized how much has been taken from you as a result of being an adherent. TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK! IT'S YOURS NOW!!!! :)

    I didn't have a college degree and was tired of not being recognized for salary increases. I also recognized that the degree was ALWAYS the reason others were making more money even though they didn't work as hard. After learning that my job would *help* me pay (still in debt, but it was worth it), I, a single mother, went back to school at 42 years of age. My goal was to get OUT of college before my daughter graduated high school. I wanted to be her role model. I wanted her to realize that if I could do it, she could too. In 2009? We BOTH graduated!

    I did my entire 4 years at a VERY well recognized university ALL ONLINE. Some say that the online courses can be harder because you do not have an instructor who hints at what might be found on the test. Personally, I needed the flexibility and HATE having to be places at certain times so I absolutely loved it!

    Many community colleges offer online courses so to save money and get acclimated to the learning environment a CC is WELL worth it.

    DD, you're a great writer which is PERFECT for online classes. GO FOR IT!

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