Do the WBTS feel guilty about the Bryants Death?

by Jim Dee 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jim Dee
    Jim Dee

    The Tragedy in Oregon could be concieved by some as "pushing a man beyond all human limits" and therefore the "pusher" (ie the WTBS) is guilty.

    Clearly Mr Bryant was not in a stable state of mind - so what caused the inbalance? Clearly the action of the society. The WTBS would counter and say it was Mr Bryant that caused the problem by his "black heart and rebel attitude".

    So who was responsible? If it was not the WTBS, will the GB attend the funeral, pay their respects and offer comfort to the grieving relatives - or will they tell all relatives not to go to the funeral and try to hide their guilt under "theocratic procedure"

    Either way it stinks. The children are guilty of nothing other than victims of the Societies policies.

    Views please


  • LB

    Last night a candlelight service was held for the Bryants, care to venture a guess as to how many witnesses showed up??

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hey McMinnville JWs...

    How much fun is going out in service going to be this Saturday?

  • orangefatcat

    The WTBS will not feel guilty nor the GB., they will say, he was a man with medical problems perhaps brain chemical imbalance that caused him to kill himself and his family, as no "normal" person would even consider such as thing. What is beyond belief that this wonderful man would carry such a burden that it caused him to snap and no one seems to care. I know if Christ was on this earth right now he would be their trying to find the answers that lead up to such a terrible tradgedy. I think he would say, did I cause this man to become so burdened down and yet my yoke is light. Something is wrong somewhere, Well Jesus isn't here. His so called representatives on the earth failed this man and I think Jesus is wondering that too.
    I wish this man and his family will be embrassed by God"s grace and will be remembered by Him for all eternity.
    My heart breaks for this family and I wish torment on the Organization that lead this man to his early demise. For shame on the WTBS.

  • patio34

    OrangeFatCat, you said

    The WTBS will not feel guilty nor the GB., they will say, he was a man with medical problems perhaps brain chemical imbalance that caused him to kill himself and his family, as no "normal" person would even consider such as thing.

    That would be the least damaging probably. However, i believe that less tactful JWs will say that it's because he left "The Truth" and "that's what can happen when you leave Jehovah...." At least privately in their own smug, sanctimonious, self-righteous, hyprocritical homes.

    UADNA-CA(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-California)

  • picosito

    Landrew does not feel guilty. Landrew is the body. Landrew is all. Landrew's directive is to absorb you. Landrew does not need a conscience. Landrew is all.

  • joelbear




  • DakotaRed

    They will never feel a shred of guilt. If mentioned, they will deny any involvement and just point out that he was DF'd and no longer under Jehovah's protection.

    For them to feel any guilt, they would first have to come off their lofty high horse and be capable of feeling human emotions. They have placed themselve above all that.

    They make me want to engage in an involuntary protein spill! (Puke, to you non George Carlin fans)

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • RedhorseWoman

    Guilty? HAH!! They have already stated in several newspaper articles that "all" Robert Bryant needed to do was "repent", and that even before reinstatement he would have been welcomed at the Hall. Therefore, this obviously was NOT the fault of the Society.

    Of course, they fail to mention that anyone who is disfellowshipped for apostacy is NOT welcome at the Hall. Known apostates are ushered right out.

    And how, exactly, would a person be able to convince the idiot elders that they "repent" of their apostacy?

    No, that type of label on a person is the kiss of death as far as the Society is concerned, and there's no going back.

    The Society is absolutely, 100 percent guilty in this matter.

  • Satanus

    The other thread about dan sydlik showed that macho assholes are running the wt. Sympathy isn't part of their vocabulary. They would just as soon pee in his coffin. Sorry


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