Shunning is the big story

by joelbear 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • amccullough
    THIS is where you went wrong, you made an assupmtion about my statement. My statement neither implied nor suggested that JWs are NOT capable of being mature and loving. That was what *YOU* read into it. Did the statement perhaps strike a bit too close to home?

    Please accept my deepest apologies. I am glad to hear that you think that JWs can be just as MATURE, THINKING, and LOVING as anyone else.

  • LDH


    Apology accepted.


  • teejay

    Sorry I'm late to this discussion, but saying that the man killed his family and himself because of shunning is a cop-out. Many of us have been df'd and we haven't killed ANYONE. Hell... the thought hasn't even crossed our minds.

    As may have been pointed out (didn't read every word of every post), other religions practice shunning and the bible itself does mention it. While it definitely brings emotional turmoil, killing your kids because you've been df'd is inexcusable.

    Sorry, but I don't agree with your thesis, Joel. Personally, I think the man was mentally ill.

  • ozziepost

    I'm sorry I'm late to this also.

    I insist that whether you will be shunned or not depends on your family and friends.

    Of course, Joseph, this is true. But there is a big HOWEVER here. Those family and friends will be under tremendous pressure to comply with the shunning edict. If they only have friends and relatives amongst the Witnesses, then they risk being completely isolated. It seems in your case that your relatives were not prepared to follow the directions of the WTS, but that is not a general response.

    Thus your judgment seems to be based on purely ancdotal evidence and we know that can be most unreliable.

    Evidence from others is given in the many experiences on this forum and in other places that the shunning policy is much more than an optional thing.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Discuss: "We serve him..." can you please define?

    Answer: To obey Jehovahs laws and principals and respect his

    New question: Obey is not serve. Is the arrangement/not covenant that you go door-to-door & record in 15 min increments. Is this the sacred service?

    What is the service part of the arrangement called when one must lie &/or omit info to cover up bad principals & laws made up by men?

    I think that a molestation SURVIVOR pertains to the VICTIM or did you mean what you said about keeping clean by ridding the cono of these sorts

    Answer: I think I read the question wrong. I meant those who commit these

    Observation: Sorry for being blunt.
    I think you've read many things wrong. Or are you reading things "exactly the way you are supposed to"

  • out4good3

    JT LDH

    You guys are awesome. Keep up the good work.

  • LDH

    On the second page of this thread Discuss states:

    And that is why Jehovahs Witnesses teach that
    you must first love Jehovah, than you will not want to sin.
    What the hell rock did you crawl from under? Loving Jehovah/God has NOTHING to do with not sinning. If you believe the bible then it tells us we are ALL sinners.

    No matter how much you love Jehovah God, this doesn't take away the fact that we are all humans and prone to sinful tendencies.

    It *IS* possible to modify some sinful behavior, but again ask yourself--what is it that's causing the change in behavior?

    Fear? or Knowledge?

    Like I've said before--the shunning mentioned in the scriptures is based on someone who was WILLFULLY continuing to sin. Hell no, I don't want to associate with someone who steals, whether they are JW or not. THIS is the principle of shunning at work, not df'ing someone who's made an error in judgement or had a temporary lapse of sanity and commits a sin.

    The WT makes NO DIFFERENTIATION between the one-time sinner and the repeat sinner, which nullifies Jesus sacrifice as far as I'm concerned.

    Anti-shunning Class

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