Something occurred to me…

by Vidiot 18 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Vidiot

    Panhandlegirl – “…don't you think that breaking a law by requiring two witness to a child abuse crime, would trump freedom of religion? A religion should not be allowed to break the law and put children in harm's way. The authorities have taken children away from JW parents in order for them to receive blood transfusions.”

    I'm not certain the “two-witness rule” is explicitly breaking any laws per se, but you’re right, the safety and health of private citizens - particularly minors - trumps “freedom of religion” more and more on a legal and societal level; that’s why that extremist Mormon breakaway sect was smacked, and smacked hard a few years back.

    Hmm. Come to think of it, a minor example was made, there, but perhaps it wasn’t enough. Even though the WTS is still small potatoes in the grand scheme of things, it still is relatively higher-profile that the FLDS was and thusly would serve that purpose more effectively.

    Anyways, like the transfusion issue, significant legal precedents have already been set, in the US and Canada. Not to mention that trying to play the clergy-penitent card has become essentially useless, due to the fact that not only have the WTS historically insisted that all JWs are ministers and thusly have no clergy, but more importantly, JCs have three elders, scrupulous records are kept, and all relevent info is forwarded to WTHQ; the claim of "penitent confidentiality" is rendered moot.

  • Vidiot
    sabastious – “I think that the Watchtower is a designed missile aimed at destroying the free world.”

    More like a small, leaky lifeboat that mistakenly believes it’s an ark; plus they’re too minor in the world scene to be able to destroy… well… anything, really.

    I don’t blame you for feeling that way, though.

    sabastious – “I don't think it was designed for the long haul or otherwise they WOULD have sought out powerful friends like you say.”

    You’re dead right on this one.

    It’s one of the major paradoxes of all apocalyptic millennialist religions; in order for any group to truly survive, it needs to formulate long-term plans, but the WTS absolutely has to behave short-term (as though the End is right around the corner), otherwise they undermine their own credibility to anyone with half a brain.

    sabastious – “What they do is make freedom of religion and free speech look bad on a world scale (they could have Al Qaeda links or other anti-free speech/religion extremist groups).”

    All fundys make freedom of religion and freedom of speech “look bad”. Quite effectively. It works against them in the long run, though.

    I’m pretty sure the WTS doesn’t have any “worldy” extremist or terrorist ties, BTW. High control groups usually view anybody on the outside with suspicion and subtle (or not-so-subtle) disdain.

    sabastious – “They want religion to be under attack because it solidifies the programming in their members giving them immense power.”

    Yes, I think they do; it plays well to the collective persecution complex of the R&F.

    sabastious – “… they have been saying it will happen for so long, all their members are waiting to be put in concentration camps so they won't care what happens.”

    Maybe, maybe not.

    Their eschatology has explicitly stated that global persecution of JWs will be the final endgame of the Great Tribulation (not the opening salvo), and Fred Franz’s End Times script is still essentially viewed as WT canon, but that might be a minor point.

    As someone on this board once pointed out (Outlaw, I think), today’s JWs are pretty soft; they’re not the martyrs, spiritual warriors, and heavy-hitting Biblical scholars of the WTS’s Golden Age…

    Even in the unlikely event of mass JW internment for whatever reason, do you honestly think the average Witness-on-the-street would walk calmly and confidently into that in this day and age?

    sabastious – “The Watchtower, IMO, have been purposefully allowing and perpetuating atrocities within their ranks and are inching towards a preplanned directive.”

    I’m pretty sure the GB aren’t a bunch of mustache-twirling comic-book supervillains; they don’t need to plot nefariously to advance an agenda. What's more, it isn’t necessary to attribute malicious intent to something can be explained by simple incompetence or character flaws.

    What is certain is that the WTS is an authoritarian high control group.

    As such, the dysfunctional and antisocial tendencies of the WTS are inevitable and unavoidable aspects of that fundamental defining characteristic. Once the group started down that path under Rutherford, the outcome was pretty much set; Jaracz simply pounded the last nail home.

    sabastious – “The Western World needs to band together and redefine religion and then do away with any who don't make the cut.”

    That’s already happening, I think; simply a product of 21st Century society’s natural evolution.

    Any kind of organized mass movement is probably unnecessary (maybe even counterproductive) at this point.

  • sabastious

    Vidiot, have you ever checked into the theories of the King James Bible? It seems apparent that the creators of that document were ALSO an authoritarian high control group. The book is full of doctrinal slants more so than most modern translations. It reads much like the NWT in that it paints a certain preconceived narrative. I know many of my conclusions are sensational as they are tied to my own religious beliefs and I understand your skepticism, in fact I welcome it.

    The JW's used the KJV and considered it holy Scripture for a very long time. It's not surprisng then, that they would eventually come out with a KJV of their own and that's exactly what the NWT is. The curious thing about the NWT is that of it's translation of John 1:1 which perfectly mimics the translation style of one Johannes Greber a well known German occultist. There is even evidence that the Watchtower owned a copy of one of this man's books. It seems reasonable to conclude that the Watchtower is actually a secret occult society. I do not explain them as simple narcissists or megalomaniacs or any cliche involving pointy mustaches. I look at them as part of a preconcieved plan (that goes back to when the KJV was made and beyond) that involves not only themselves, but other entities set up in a secret occult web. These are not entities that are interested in the Western World, in fact our freedoms are a threat to their security which makes us a formidable foe. Extremist groups like Al Qaeda and Hamas would be allies with groups like the Watchtower's umbrella agency. To me it's not far fetched that the Watchtower is interested in HURTING Amercia and therefore HURTING the Western World.

    There is an ancient chinese word called "Gu."

    Gu (simplified Chinese: ?; traditional Chinese: ?; pinyin: gu; Wade–Giles: ku) or jincan (simplified Chinese: ??; traditional Chinese: ??; pinyin: jincán; Wade–Giles: chin-ts'an; lit. "gold silkworm") was a venom-based poison associated with cultures of south China, particularly Nanyue. The traditional preparation of gu poison involved sealing several venomous creatures (e.g., centipede, snake, scorpion) into a closed utensil, where they devoured one another and allegedly concentrated their toxins into a single survivor. Gu was used in black magic practices such as manipulating sexual partners, creating malignant diseases, and causing death. According to Chinese folklore, a gu spirit could transform into various animals, typically a worm, caterpillar, snake, frog, dog, or pig.

    This "magic" is what I believe the Watchtower to be mixed up in or something similar to it. It's a purposeful poisoning of the mind in order to create a mind control subject. This organization is not what it seems. Their methods are too directed and focused to be blamed on misguided zealots. I am not saying the GB are completely aware of everything going on they very well could be some sort of front. They were called by their legal team in Victoria Australia as merely a "theological arrangement." The Watchtower is not above throwing their own leaders under the bus, but there will always be a secret echelon of leaders that are the real control. They are the enemies of the realm that need to be hunted down and disposed of as hastily as possible, but they are effectively invisible to everyone on earth.


  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam


  • 4thgen

    Very reasonable. The rules have changed.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I don't think most people care. Jehovah's Witnesses is a small religion. Many people won't be emotionally invested. The WT seem to have an even chance of winning the Conti appeal. When I ride on mass transit, people aren't discussing the Conti or other JW case. The RC cases involve so many more people. You need more ties to the WTBTS than are present in the typical case of abuse.

    I don't know if it true that extreme religions harbor more pedophiles.

  • Vidiot

    Band on the Run - "I don't know if it's true that extreme religions harbor more pedophiles."

    Authoritarian religions, definately (and they tend to become extremist as they age), because their very nature encourages secretiveness, marginilization from the larger world, disdain for secular authority and submission to internal authority, and outward prudishness which often hides sexual deviancy.

    All of these characteristics foster an environment where the sexual victimization of young people can easily become institutionalized; it seems almost impossible to prevent.

    Interestingly, however, you almost never find it in churches that embrace fiscal and policy transparency, acknowledge the discoveries of history and science, utilize the democratic process, and encourage positive community activism.

    EDIT: You're right, in the grand scheme of things the WTS is small potatoes. There is enough awareness of them, however, that I still believe my original argument stands.

  • Vidiot

    Thought I'd resurrect this old thread in case anyone had forgotten the suggestions in the OP.

  • Ocean1111

    Interesting points.

    It seems liability is designed into the Bethel policies ensuring more litigations will come that will top the Conti case judgment in my opnion, and globally at that. As hard times are also coming for national governments own corporate finances, there will be more incentive to seek out prey from among religions already set up for liability by their own policies. Bethel is its own worst enemy, and that is also an interesting reality.

    It is as if Bethel is setting up their own downfall, they even have a well thought out exit strategy: "It's the end of the world!"

    Except it won't be the end but of Bethel's world. By the time JWs figure that out, most of the cash will have gone out the hedges anyways. JWs will be fighting to keep a Kingdom Hall for reminiscing. But imo, those are the front end assets that will also be lost. These kinds of litigations will help the front end of what has to be a larger operation, because no one is simply this stupid unless they are in on it. The "Governing Body" was the perfect place to create that collective "somebody" to empower the shadow board to run their end of these functions, the GB just "legitimizes" for the JW dupes.

    The answer is the unsual suspect is really who is the main engineer of the opposite they claim to be "upholding" and "protecting". That's why, imo, these kinds of apparent stupid positionings are so puzzling, the reality is hidden in plain sight, but because it is an ugly truth, few want to see it. Bethel is in a bad strategic position on the front end, and imo worse on the back end, the financial alignment we can only assume the machinations of.

    Its an interesting Situation Tragedy to keep tuned in on.

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