Jehovah witnesses DESTROY happy families!

by D wiltshire 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    You said:

    Of course Jesus said that divisions would occur as a result of some family members accepting their responsibility to live righteous lives while other members chose to live irresponsibly. Whose at fault when this happens, the wise one or the foolish one?

    Doesn’t the division that Jesus spoke of suggest a breakup?

    Yes Jesus said divisions would occur, but not because Christians would go around shunning family, it would be because family hated them for being a Christian, big, big difference don't you think.

    Join the Watchtower or you will die.
    Only Jehovah's Witnesses have the TRUTH all other religions EVIL and from the Devil.
    You must beleive the Watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really GOOD NEWS?
  • pandora

    I grew up a JW. You wanna know what I wished for most of all growing up? I wished that I had never known about 'the truth'. Because those who don't know, don't have to live this way, AND they have a better chance at living forever by the standards of the religion. How wrong is that? You are better off not knowing god. That is soo completely messed up. I can't put it into proper words folks, but you guys get the picture.
    Did you ever feel like that?
    When I got married, I would not talk to my husband about the religion that had thrown me out because I thought he had a better chance by not knowing. If he knew about it, he could choose against it and then die.
    Man, I was soo screwed up.!

  • lydia

    I Agree with those who realize how damaging the "shunning" is to the Families - and I NEVER Understood the reasoning for it.

    It is just a vile way for the Borg to continue to keep its claws into its people - and inspire thier loyalty!

    A HATEFUL practice put into a Religious stetting - Discusting that they consider it Christian!

  • zanex

    ?!@#$%!?#@$%$#@?*&%$# hey there...I grew up as a jw too and pandora makes a good point...better to not know god or the troof than to know and reject it. Been df'd now for about 7 or 8 years I lost count of the years after the first 2 but have been married with stability for almost 3 years now and yet still my elder dad and my faithful mom refuse to have any type of familial contact with is hard for my wife to understand why they are like they are. My inlaws have quite possibly reshaped my whole definition of "unconditional familial love" I never knew it was real until they brought me in. It seems odd to me that I am forever "marked" df'd and labeled bad because of it in that religious cult of jwland but when it comes to the other half of my life and non jw family,they ALL love and care for me just because! They have been extremely patient with me and my trust issues that i have because of those years within the borg...not sure what I am trying to get sure this is an old old story that everyone here has seen before. f@#% em...bbzzzrrrttt@@###$$!!!%%*&^%$

  • Yadirf


    One is being punished [having been disfellowshipped] one is being excused [bad word choice]. Why is that? Are they not both guilty of the same bad conduct? Are they not both aware of the wrong?
    You're being extremely silly.

    Answer: The one had made a decision that was accompanied by a vow, and then reneged on it; whereas the other girl had never made the decision in the first place. It just demonstrates that to take a vow is no little thing. -- Ecclesiastes 5:4, 5.

    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • Yadirf


    The truth of the matter is that it is a ‘big stick’ that is held over the heads of the flock to keep them in submission, not unlike ‘Babylon’s’ hellfire.
    There could be nothing further from the truth that what you've just said here.
  • ashitaka

    No Feed.......

  • Yadirf


    Number 2. If you die while you are disfellowshipped and you have made no effort to indicate some tendency to return, Witnesses will be instructed NOT to conduct your funeral. Now my question is this: How does that fulfill either of the two stated reasons for disfellowshipping? It does not. It’s a punitive action and it’s wrong!
    You're being silly, again.

    Answer: Correct, it doesn't fulfill them. Simply because the question as to WHO will conduct the disfellowshipped person's funeral service has absolutely nothing to do with the "two stated reasons for disfellowshipping".

    Would you really expect the WTS to go against the disfellowshipped person's wishes and conduct a Witness funeral in his behalf in spite of his having stated that he prefer not to be given a Witness funeral? Like I've said, twice now, you're being silly.


  • Yadirf


    Because those who don't know ... have a better chance at living forever by the standards of the [JW] religion.
    I understand your point here perfectly. And I agree, that something's not quite right with the way the WTS has interpreted the Scriptures here. In keeping with my signature scripture, I see changes that must be forthcoming with regards to the WTS's stance on this very point. I'm too fatigued to go on right now, except to say that the great, GREAT majority who die at Armageddon will return in the resurrection (including apostates who will have died then and before) with the potential of benefiting under Jesus' reign. Perhaps this is enough said for you to get my point.



  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I wish you would go somewhere else and play I can't take your bull shit.

    Join the Watchtower or you will die.
    Only Jehovah's Witnesses have the TRUTH all other religions EVIL and from the Devil.
    You must beleive the Watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really GOOD NEWS?

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