The poor and deprived life of JW children.

by Esse quam videri 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Wow! Just reading all of these posts and I can;t believe the angry replies. I would have a tough time responding to so much angry backlash from a post.

    I would like to remind everyone of the obvious truth..

    You go with what you know. That not only rhymes, it also rings true too.

    So this dude may be brainwashed, or may be a troll or maybe had a happy childhood in spite of being brought up as a witness. Having a non JW dad was huge and I for one am happy that he may have had a little more balance than someone brought up by strict JW parents.

    My sibling and his spouse are hardcore JWs. My brother is an elder and his wife drinks the koolaid too and he converted when their son was 5yrs old.

    5 years of xmas, birthdays and 4th of july bbqs all gone at a moments notice. I felt awful for him. Now he's married and starting a family. I imagine that he will go with what he knows too.......

    too bad

  • azor

    I have grown to hate when people like esse come on this site and spew their vile over others. His experience as mentioned before is just that his. There is nothing wrong with that. Where I take issue is when he and others like him start casting his experiences upon others as though they had similar or the same upbringing.

    What about those that have been abused. Had a friend or family member commit suicide. Have a close friend or relative die because the parents refused to allow their child to have a blood transfusion.

    It is for this reason that he and others like him are FUQIN A**HOLES. People are dying here. Stop being like the KINGS of FUQIN A**HOLES those at the top of this cult that continue to kill people.

    Stop telling people how they should feel, act, or otherwise. It's not any of our places to do so. Everyone here are at different places depending on the extent of indoctrination and personal experiences. People like esse drive me nuts because they can push someone already on the edge looking here over that edge. I personally want others like me who are starting to come out to not have to continue to endure others judgemental attitudes.

  • FayeDunaway
    Judgmental attitudes!! Haven't we all had enough of that to last a lifetime already? Or maybe even enough to last forever??? Surely people who come here don't need any more of that heaped on to them. Let's all try to drop that witness habit and remember not every one is EXACTLY like ourselves and give people a break.
  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri
    I want to thank everyone for their interesting comments. Each one has a valuable story to tell. My intention was not to demean, belittle or diminish anyone. I certainly did not throw my opinion out there to fish for provocative comments. If and when I have time I will address some of comments made. We have much to teach each other.
  • berrygerry

    I find it hard to believe that adults on this forum make such a big deal about not celebrating birthdays, x-mas, easter, halloween, etc, etc, etc.

    HI. I'm a troll.

    Could I post something to invigourate several dozen people to get excited and post rebuttals?


    If and when I have time I will address some of comments made......Esse quam videri

    You had time to start another thread..

    We have much to teach each other.

    ..................Image result for I doubt it

  • Onager

    Esse quam videri , as you have returned to this thread and aren't just another of those drive-by posters can I ask you if you have read this site: ?

    We can talk about our personal experiences and opinions 'til the cows come home but what really matters is facts.

    If the JW's do have "The Truth" and are God's representatives on earth then it doesn't matter what anybody's opinion about birthdays or blood or any other subject are. If, on the other hand the JW religion does not have the truth, are deliberately misleading and even tell outright lies then none of their commands have any validity.

    That's the crux of the matter and until you have the facts any other discussion is just gum flapping.

  • millie210
    FayeDunaway9 hours ago
    Judgmental attitudes!! Haven't we all had enough of that to last a lifetime already? Or maybe even enough to last forever??? Surely people who come here don't need any more of that heaped on to them. Let's all try to drop that witness habit and remember not every one is EXACTLY like ourselves and give people a break

    Excellent idea but not a very popular one apparently. .

    The silent majority who read and dont comment much would probably agree with you.

    Esse -

    There are many of us here who are capable of leaving the "Witness way" (harsh, judgmental, we all have to think alike, etc..) behind.

    And yes, we have much we could learn from each other.


    We have much to teach each other......Esse quam videri

    And yes, we have much we could learn from each other.....millie210

    Normally I would agree with you Millie,it`s a good healthy attitude to have..


    That wasn`t the purpose of this thread.....The OP was meant to School Us..

    If and when I have time I will address some of comments made......Esse quam videri

    ............We Have All Just Been Dismissed..

    ................Image result for dismissed in School

  • shadow
    i didn't have a pony

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