Capital punishment, are you in favour of it ?

by smiddy 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    I certainly am , providing their are strong arguments that the perpretrator of the crime is guilty beyond any reasonable doubt of the crime he/she is charged with .

    I am not religous ,however I do agree with a life for a life principle ,especially if it involves multiple victims. Somebody killing x amount of people, proven of course , have no right to live.

    Of course with murders of one victim their can be many scenarios which the courts of law can adjudicate for whatever an outcome. Not necessarily capitol punishment in this case .


  • happy@last

    Absolutely, where there is overwhelming evidence

  • biometrics

    Only with a fair jury trial. Innocent till proven guilty ...

  • Elizabeth123
  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Yes, especially for murder, rape or child abuse, where there's overwhelming evidence eg dna.

  • Jaime l de Aragon
  • trujw

    No I actualy am not. One time in my life I beleived in a false god and would have let my child die by not taking blood so I do not feel I have the right to take a mans life. In Iran you can be killed for insulting their muslim god. I am sure the governing body would love to have that power over us evil apostate's. I think I would make an exception for mass killers like the GB. I feel like a witness again saying one thing in one sentence then saying the exact opposite in the next :)

  • finallysomepride

    yes, especially and maybe only where rape/murder of children/babies are involved

  • designs

    Life in Prison.

  • finallysomepride

    why should society have to pay 100s of thousands and even into the millions of $ to keep some arsholes in prison for life?

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