I will be having a talk tomorrow at our special assembly day

by Most Noble 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jookbeard

    I remember this guy, what's his next lie? to infiltrate the GB?

  • minimus

    We called him out on this b4. He's a fraud.

  • jookbeard

    not AfricanGBmember is it?


    Jehovah's wife? That is not a JW teaching. If this story is true then post the outline.

  • james_woods
    not AfricanGBmember is it?

    Somwhat similar delusions, but I don't think so. As I recall, AfricanGBmember did have something of a sense of humor about him...intentional or not.


    It`s not African GB ..ID tags don`t match..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • jookbeard

    Recovery Part XI?

  • wannaexit

    baloney, baloney

  • WTWizard

    If I had a talk like that, I would dog it. I would say that Jehovah views secular education because he wants us stupid so he can enslave us and make us stagnant, poor, and unable to function outside this cult. I would also mention that Jehovah moves the "finish line" each time we are about to cross it, and people were wasting their time doing more of nothing since 1872. I would mention that the finish line was supposed to be 1874. We are long past 1874. Each time we are near, it gets moved again--yet we are supposed to waste our lives going at an unsustainable pace. This is not fair, since people would do better in the long term if they were given accurate information that it could be another 500 years or more.

    Heeding instructions from the "bride" is harmful to one's health. One only needs read the Young People Ask--Answers That Do Not Work books, and look at the rubbish found therein. How many times have people tried the advice only to get bad results? Jehovah only needs hold his dedicated servants responsible for their disobedience because such obedience would take people away from their natural natures and toward damnation in a spiritual sense. In fact, those dedicating their souls to Jehovah had better hope they started during a void of course moon because, otherwise, they are stuck in a never-ending Jewish or Judeo/Christian hybrid Jehovah worship religion that is going to suck the vitality out of their souls.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Christ-alone, I listened to the link you provided, "little-toes" has style with a warmth to his voice, how is "little-toes" doing now? Did he have family he had to walk away from or was he a single brother?

    I love his conclusion, the way he talks about his love and "he will always love the friend and his doors will be open any time they need him". What a class act and what a way to leave, he left people with a questions pecking away at their hearts.

    To give a part at the C/A, and be a mole, anything is possible, I know someone who was having sex with men, while he was preaching from the platform. He was a "special pioneer" married and finally he ran off to Vegas to find his true calling. How he gave parts at Assemblies, Meetings and served as a judgemental elder who showed no mercy to fornicating kids, I will never know! We had a pedophile elder too, he would tell the Hall how he had searched the "sex offenders data-base to make sure our young ones were safe" while he hung around with fatherless boys.

    It's easy to get away with wrong doings in the Congregation, dubs are under the assumption they have the best of the "spiritual world", they have "a brotherhood on earth that is only getting better", "trusting witnesses are willing to think, if he or she has a title, Jehovah must be using them, even if the witness was a victim by the pedophile as a child." The religion teaches "Jehovah does not allow badness and it's quickly removed, that's the biggest lie taught by the Org." That's what has caused the most pain and suffering by heineous men and women, who prey on young and old weak ones!

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