Who did Paul pray to:

by fulltimestudent 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Leolaia

    Yeah, well regardless of reference, it does look like a doxology in form in that verse.

  • fulltimestudent

    Leolaia, I can see no reason NOT to call the ending of verse 5 of Romans 9, a doxology. The question is to whom is the doxology addressed? To the father or the son?

    The verse as you surely know is controversial. And the key question is how should the verse be translated. The Gk arrangement of words in the verse (without punctuation) can be translated into english apparently so that the words, 'be blessed forever,' can be directed to either Christ or 'God.'

    Freddy, (who as we understand it, was the driving force for the NWT), elected to separate (smile) Christ from the doxology with a colon. (King) Jimmy or his scholars (in the KJV), separates them with a comma. The NASB does the same. And many modern translations somehow manage to make the verse say that Christ IS God!

    As I said Vermes, for whatever reasons, chooses not to list Romans 9:5 in the context I referred to. I can only imagine that it must have been because of the controversy over translation. It seems a curious omission, as he need only have alluded to and explained the translation controversy.

    Maybe at some point you may be able to get hold of a copy of Vermes' book and read Ch 4, "TheChristianity of Paul," and give us your thoughts on his comments and conclusions.

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