Watch Tower Property Sell Off Wiki List:

by frankiespeakin 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Vidiot
    tiki - "I heard from a reliable source that they have garnered over $100 billion in sales, and the money will be spent in building a "city" in New York State... it seems that Patterson is not the place - this is supposedly somewhere else out there... kinda like a little Vatican for the governing papacy? They say it will be like a little island in the US, but not part of it..."

    My money's still on Patterson; these's been to much prepwork to pull the plug on it at this point.

    The $100B part sounds kinda iffy to me, though; all the sales listed in frankiespeakin's post tallied up to just over $400M. The bit about having a little sovereign "island" in the middle of NY state that's somehow independent of the US is too much of a stretch, too; there's no way the Federal Government would put up with that kind of crap.

    frankiespeakin - "Maybe the IRS are already seeing this as a virtual run away cash cow, and are doing a search with thier computers to see where the money is going."

    Well, I do remember something posted by one of the Anonymous hackers back in the summer about "Uncle Sam" being unhappy about some alleged money laundering on the WTS's part. Not that I fully buy it, but the fact that the WTS has listed properties and plans to move upstate reminds me of something that I'd shared when I first started posting on JWN:

    Vidiot - "Some time ago, I'd read about a sort of checklist that Canadian federal law enforcement had compiled as a means of identifying potentially dangerous high-control groups at their onset, and it happens that a significant phase involved shifting from an urban presence to a more centralized semi-rural or rural presence..."

    When an increasingly radical group starts "goin' up to the country", it raises red flags among federal agencies (both in Canada and the US). Interestingly, that same checklist also highlights an increase in illegal activities soon after - or associated with - said exodus.

    So despite the big grain of salt I take the whole Anonymous thing with, I can't shake the feeling that there might actually be something to that particular laundry-related post.

  • Vidiot

    In addition, I'm also reminded of this recent post on another JWN thread:

    AndersonsInfo - "...they are property rich and cash poor and are finding it difficult to sell billions of dollars of property they have for sale all over the world - and that's a fact, folks and you can quote me."

    And I'm reminded of an exchange I had with Theocratic Sedition on yet another thread:

    Theocratic Sedition - "They might be pious and crazy enough to believe that by opening themselves up to legal attacks, if the secular authorities go after them it will be like touching Jehovah's eye. Maybe even viewing it as God's direction to entice Gog thinking he has an opening when all along it was a trap."
    Vidiot - "That smacks of desperation to me, and thusly kicks in my skeptic mode... but it wouldn't be the first time the WTS foolishly painted a big fat target on itself to drum up publicity, stoke the persecution complex of the R&F, and try to give the appearance of fulfilling prophecy (or even trying to give prophecy a for-real nudge, for that matter)."

    With more and more impending child abuse cases looming and the abysmally bad PR that comes with it, maybe they're experiencing a new kind of increase...

    ...that of quiet desperation.

    If so, increasingly desperate times definately make increasingly desperate actions all the more enticing to increasingly desperate men...

  • stuckinamovement

    $405 million in sales since 2004. And much of the sales in a down market.

    Wow, its not a religion it's a developer.

    Selling assets like this in a slump is usually indication of a cash crunch. Costs are up, donations are down, Legal costs have gone through the roof, this organization is much like a rich guy with cancer. Plenty of money now, but bills mounting and limited prospects for the future.


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Thanks for the list. I didn't realize 2012 was so busy for sales. I'm sure I've seen them all, but when you see it in one list, it really makes an impact.

    100 Billion, no way they have that much in property. Several billion? Sure, I believe that but not 100 billion.

    You know, even though they sold the property in a down market, think of how much money they made on each one. Bought low, fixed up with volunteer labor and while they didn't sell at the top, I'll bet they made a killing. Also, no capital gains taxes!!

    From a business perspective, it makes sense to move to a lower cost venue. There's really no value in having Brooklyn anymore since they're not shipping all over the world from there.

    I think they over expanded on the property side and are now "right sizing". Just like consolidating the various branches. I do see it as a sign of decline or at the very least an admission that their expansion has slowed down to the point where they don't think they're going to grow much more.

  • ronwashington

    Man I used to live in Sliver. Super small room but it had a bathroom :|

  • flipper

    $ 400 million + in donated contributions since 2004 from the sale of WT real estate with no accountability with where ALL those funds go and the information not being disclosed to those who donated either. Sounds shady to me and that's putting it mildly. Hope the federal government starts taxing the WT society. They are a profit organization pretending to be a non-profit organization

  • tiki

    I thought the $100 plus billion was an exaggeration....$100 million, yes....even the $400 makes sense........

  • 144001

    The IRS will not touch the WTBTS. It's a nice thought but nothing more than a fantasy/dream.

  • Gayle

    Maybe no one is keeping track, but how many WT Brooklyn properties are there yet to sell, about 20 or so?

  • whathappened

    Greedy money grubbing hypocrites. I regret the contributions I made to the Watchtower Society over the past five decades...every penny of it.

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