In Jehovah's Witnesses- Elders Have Rights- other JW's Don't- 10/15 WT

by flipper 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • LostGeneration

    Hey Mr. Flipper, belated happy birthday to you!

    Because of what THEY perceive as defects in elders, some individuals who engage in serious wrongdoing in the congregation have refused to appear before a committee of elders assigned to help them.

    This line is what really pissed me off. First off, the assumption right off the bat is that the defect is PERCEIVED, yeah right - because there has never been an elder with an ACTUAL defect.

    I remember the first time as a fresh elder when I was confronted with a real problem. Someone came to me with an issue, and I basically didn't say jack shit back to them after they explained their situation, as I was totally unqualified as to how to address their problem. In that moment, I was on the road to exiting the JW religion, as I realized in an instant that I had nothing real to offer as an "elder". I was simply appointed as a "yes man" who didnt cause trouble, put in around 10 hours a month, and was a fairly decent speaker.

    And thousands of others sit in that exact position today. No real training, no real skills in helping people with real problems. Just WT "yes men". No wonder why the WT continues to cry out for men to "reach out", and no wonder why rank and file JWs are starting to simply refuse to eat a shit sandwich by meeting with these so-called "doctors"!

  • blondie

    OOOH, they're threatening the sheep; things must be getting tense. People not showing up for JCs, bad example for the rest of the rank and file. The Fear Factor will stop working.

    Listen if Abigail could disobey her husband to protect her household and it seems God and others approved, then why can't rank and file....after all the WTS likes to quote Acts 5:29. So does obedience to a man (husband) come ahead of obedience to God?

    *** w09 7/1 p. 20 She Acted With Discretion ***If Abigail failed to act, might she become a sharer in her husband’s guilt? In any event, she had to put her submission to her God ahead of submission to her husband.

    *** w80 6/15 p. 30 Abigail—An Outstandingly Discreet Woman ***The life of Abigail demonstrates clearly what makes a person discreet from God’s viewpoint. She was humble and put loyalty to God above loyalty to a man.


  • GLTirebiter
    some individuals ... have refused to appear before a committee of elders assigned to help them.

    Those who came to Jesus for counseling and forgiveness came of their own volition. He taught, He called to conversion, but He did not compel anybody to appear before Him. Repentance comes from within, not from the demands of a committee.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    The same paragraph continues, " Because of what THEY perceive as defects in elders, some individuals who engage in serious wrongdoing in the congregation have refused to appear before a committee of elders assigned to help them.This could be likened to a patient who loses out on the benefits of a treatment because he does not like something about the doctors. "

    This is a major problem that they have likened themselves to Doctors. Doctors have years and years of education and training. I'm sorry. Most of these elders are uneducated men are not capable of dealing with the simplest form of assistance. They have no skills to handle real problems. They are limited. I know I'm painting this with a broad stroke, but that's what I've experienced with the elders in my cong. Sure there are bad Doctors and incompetent ones, but I get to choose whether or not I'm going to go to a particular Doctor who specializes in what I need treatment for.

  • GLTirebiter

    This could be likened to a patient who loses out on the benefits of a treatment because he does not like something about the doctors

    The benefits of intravenous treatment with a unit of O- ?

  • watson
    " Because of what THEY perceive as defects in elders, some individuals who engage in serious wrongdoing in the congregation have refused to appear before a committee of elders assigned to help them. This could be likened to a patient who loses out on the benefits of a treatment because he does not like something about the doctors. "

    Well, there you go. That takes care of any questions the friends might have about why some are leaving. A nice broad stroke. Could any of these that "engage in serious wrongdoing" be APOSTATES?!?!?!? NO. Ones who "engage in serious wrongdoing" are sex addicts and serial masturbators, everyone knows that!

  • steve2

    This could be likened to a patient who loses out on the benefits of a treatment because he does

    like something about the doctors. "

    yeah, like brothers and sisters who have the audacity to refuse blood transfusions when their doctors strongly recommend them and lose out on the benefits. Oops, not a helpful example.....

  • neverscreamagain

    Great thread and opening comments flipper - Have not read a thread lately that has pissed me off like this one has in a while.

    It is hard to imagine how the average JW just gulps this crap down without giving thought to the reasoning behind it.

    Again, good points flipper!

  • Phizzy

    I hope this begins to help some wake up, I know a "sister" who was born in and in for decades, it was this kind of statement, that you should blindly do what Dumbass Elders tell you that gave her the wake up call that went, "Oh my god, I'm in a bloody Cult !"

  • Lozhasleft

    Excellent observations Mr. Flipper. You hit the nails right on the head.

    Loz x

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