Jesus' parousia started in 1975, Governing Body selected as Faithful and Discreet Slave and Evil Slave dealt with by 1980, and Armageddon arrives in 2015?

by JWB 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Leolaia
    You actually still believed in their Armageddon after 1975, Leolaia?

    I didn't know anything about the Witnesses until 1976.

  • JWB

    Fellow member RubaDub said: "Are you taking into account that there was no 0 year? Plus, did you factor Noah's 120 years of preaching plus the Israelites 40 years of wandering in the wilderness less the missing 18 years from when Jesus was 12 years of age until he reached 30? Please do your research more thoroughly if you expect us to take our time and read your posts."

    Dear RubaDub, the purpose of this thread was to consider what sort of 'new light' the WTS might come up with based on their own past teachings, which includes the year 1975 as being the end of 6,000 years of human existence on earth - this is the so-called sixth day period, minus the time that it took between the creation of Adam and the creation of Eve. I certainly am not promoting this as real 'new light', just showing how things might be reasoned from their point of view. Please don't lump me in with JWs who think somehow that they are God's favoured people and that certain Bible prophecies refer to them and the WTS. My apologies for any misunderstandings.

    In line with what others said, the 'generation' could be interpreted by the WTS as not just forty years but anything up to seventy or beyond. We know how elastic and duplicitious a 'generation' can be: it can span a whole life time and even overlap another generation that continues where the previous one left off!

  • Botzwana

    And JWB, Ya gotta learn internet sarcasm....Rubadub's is awesome!

  • JWB

    Thanks Botzwana! I had a sneaking suspicion about that. Since we can't see posters' facial expressions and hear their voice intonations its not always easy to detect when someone is being serious or joking. RubaDub, sorry for the misunderstanding.

  • Eustace

    What if Ray Franz and company were the FDS

    Wish he published a magazine to read.

    Actually a lot of JWs use that as a reason to reject apostates: "Why haven't you founded your own religion we can follow?" and all that sort of thing.

    But of course when he got DFed Ray probably lost lot's of contacts he could've used to do something like that...

  • DesirousOfChange

    the missing 18 years from when Jesus was 12 years of age until he reached 30

    It's my understanding that he was on a different continent................



    Wait wait wait! 2012 isn't over yet.

    Events are going to climax the following months.

    No I am not a prophet, I am just paying attention as to what is happening around me. After the US elections it will become hell.

    Brothers and Sisters are saying that we are approaching the Great Tribulation.

    The GB will take advantage of these events much like they did back in 1914. The rfs are delusioned and the GB will exploit those events. It is a matter of survival for them. If they don't, expect a massive exit.

  • freydo

    People wouldn't be so confused if they paid attention to history - Israel being re-established - as foretold by Russell. And Scripture.

    " But He answered and said, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Matt 15:24

    Dubs talk out of both sides of their mouths, saying that Israel is just another nation while at the same time claiming that Messiah's words apply to them.

  • 00DAD

    Why go through the trouble of changing so much doctrine to only gain 2+ years.

    Not making much sense.


    2015!?? Why bother futhering my education?! I hate to break it to you, but we will all be dead before the big " A " gets here. I wrote this goofy article when I was bored at home one day. It is " indesputable proof " that things could go on for quite sometime and the WTBTS can claim credit for being right. If not, what the heck, they can move the goal post again!

    Many Now Living Will Never Die

    This is no wild assertion. There are sound reasons to believe it. The Watchtower and Awake! magazines regularly point to these Bible-based reasons. Send only $8 and you will receive both semimonthly magazines (four copies a month) for one year, postpaid.

    Please send a year's subscription for TheWatchtower and Awake! I enclose $8 (U.S.). (For price in other countries, please contact local Watch Tower Society office.)

    This is an advertisement in the September 1984 ' Awake' magazine. If you were born in 1984, you would be 28 years old today. The bible says that man lives 70-80 years because of special mightiness. Psalm 90:10 So, for the above statement to be true, and not wild assertion, the foretold events in Revelation must be fulfilled by the year 2064, if we go by an 80 year life-span. So..that gives us 52 years from 2012 as the end of this present system of things. Awesome!! I will at most only age until I reach 91!!! A regular " spring chicken" by today's standards. 90 is the new 80, right?

    What about " even more special mightiness"? Well, the oldest documented human according to Wikipedia is...wait for it...115 years old! So if you were born in 1984 and you make to 115 years of age then for the above to be more than wild assertion, the end must come before 2099!! Well, if this is the case then everyone born after 1984 has slightly less chance than a snowball in .... you know where, of seeing the end, according to this magazine advertisement. I would have to live to be 126 years old to see 2099! That's a mighty long time. I suppose it is within the realm of possibility, we could have bionic's by then or cloned body parts ( unless religious leaders say it's cannibalism ) so Bionics it is!!

    I just found this advertisement very revealing, and the title is the best part of all!


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