How many non-believers on the inside

by biblecheck 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • james_woods

    On the primary issue - the signature JW issue...the end of the world will come in my own lifetime:

    I would say that in the bottom of their hearts - less than half of the JWs REALLY believe this. Probably only about 25% are truly, absolutely, convinced that this is absolute truth.

    Most JWs are stuck in the cult because of social/family/traditional reasons rather than actual belief in this core doctrine (which has been proven wrong so many, many times in the past).

  • Tylinbrando

    Even amongst the "Elite" within the Organization, DOs, COs, Elders etc.; very few of them could make an arguementation for why they hold their beliefs or why they stay within the Organization. As so clearly indicated by RayPublishers Judicial Committee hearing displayed on YouTube, MOST of them will simply take the stance that "This is the "Truth" and whatever the Faithful Slave tells us to do we will do it" (even when in the back of their minds they are doubting it and know much of it is flat out WRONG)

  • shamus100

    A lot stay in the 'organization' and take their prozac pain killers to get them by.

    What a lovely way to live. D:

  • supernerdboy

    How about killing every member of the GB in with a momb above the GB room instead of a micrephone and inside if the sock? I know you can to it sham. JK. Though it would help a lot realize that they do not have gods baking. Or maybe get an apostate into the printery and have them put apostate ideas in mass runs of the watchtower? Print your own ex watchtower with the same cover and put it in the liteture counter while nobody is looking? I am sure there are good way. Maybe we could target everyone visiting jw to redirect to JWfacts. Maybe people would think that it is the new revamed site filled with actual "New light". :-D rant over/


    Good summary.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    i'd guess if we went with age groups, there'd be a lot of teens and young adults who don't really believe. that's just my experience from seeing a lot of them get df'd over and over and over and over and over again lol. back then, i laughed cuz that made no sense, i mean...did they figure jayhobo wasn't going to see all that?

    now i laugh bc i just want to say, give it up, it's all bs.

    i suspect there's quite a few out there still in and stuck bc they don't to lose their families. i feel for all of you in that situation.


    I`ve never met a JW who wouldn`t admit there are "Problems in the Organization"..

    If it wasn`t for DFing...30-50% of them would walk away..

    The WBT$ retains JW Membership through BlackMail..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • redvip2000

    I agree that there is a large percentage of Dubs have issues with some of the Watchtower beliefs.

    From personal experience i can tell you that most of these, once reaching this stage of dissonance, look around at other religious groups and see no real alternative, so they figure this is probably still the truth.

    I went through this period as well. I could see the issues, but i kept asking myself " which other religion is better?", and i simply coudn't see anything better, so i stayed. It is only when you realize that no organized religion is the truth, that you take the next step.

    Even when debating with current JWs about issues, the usually reply starts with "Yeah, but..." . This "Yeah, but..." is very significant, as it implies that there is agreement in identifying there are issues, while noticing lack of alternatives. Things like:

    "Yeah, but don't you think Jehovah has to have an organized group on earth?", or " Yeah, but if Jehovah can deal with those issues, why can't you?", or "Yeah, but we are sure Jehovah will resolve that in due time" are typical when a Jehovah Witness has no choice but to admit the glaring error in Watchtower beliefs.

  • jam

    It has become more of a tradition then beliefs.

  • grumblecakes

    totally agree with outlawabout black mail, with out df'ing 30-50% would just walk away.

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