Another doozie from DO Brown Payne about "many JW's compromising their neutrality" and voting for Obama

by oppostate 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oppostate

    Bro DO Brown Payne told the audience of today's SA day at Natick Mass. that "many brothers compromised their neutrality by voting in 2008"

    He followed that by asking "And what has this President done for you?" He smirked and said "Nuttin' Honey!"

    Which was received with loud chuckles by the audience. He went on to say "And what's the next guy gonna do for you?"

    He answered his question: "Same thing. Nuttin Honey!"

    I wonder if by saying "the next guy" he thinks Romney is going to win the presidency.


    (BTW Bro Brown Payne is black, a military veteran, with time in Vietnam from what he shares about "war crimes", he said Jehovah has fogiven us if we did awful things in wartime and when coming into the "Truth" we confessed to Jehovah and to the elders about "our wrongdoing in the war". One wonders what kind of wrongdoings he did while in Vietnam?)

  • Eustace

    What a clown...

    This guy sounds like the master of monkeyshines.

  • blondie

    He doesn't sound very neutral himself. Comments like that could get the IRS to think about revoking the WTS non-profit status.

  • LongHairGal

    It would not surprise me if some JWs compromised their neutrality and voted for him. Nope. It wouldn't surprise me one bit!

    But, did it matter much? Nope.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    This is the second instance I've heard of a black WT heavyweight speaking from the podium about JWs voting for Obama. A recent CO in our area, whos black spoke on this, and a black circuit star did likewise at an assembly. I cant prove it, but i wouldnt doubt that the branch is having black heavyweight speakers talk about this issue.

    When the black CO mentioned it at our SAD last year, it made quite a few black JWs angry because it made the CO look like a white man's puppet. It was the theocratic equivalent of steppin fetchit. He came off like a coon.

  • ShirleyW

    Well wait a minute, has there been even some more brighter light on the voting issue?

    Are the Dubs voting now or what?

    I remember someone here a few years ago pointed out in the 1962 Awake Bound Volume that point blank said that they could vote, but when I was growing up in the 60's and 70's it was definite no-no.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Nothings changed, its a definite no-no, and borderline potential for saying the person disassociated themself by voting although thats not written anywhere. From what was relayed to our congregation and circuit, was some black JWs openly voted during all the initial Obama hype, including some elders, one of which even was seen wearing an Obama-Biden tee shirt. How true that is, I dont know. Its somewhat hard to imagine, but anything is possible.

  • grumblecakes

    how do they find out if youve voted?

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    They dont unless you're really out in the open about it, discussing it with other brothers, or wearing tee shirts that show your political sympathies. That or someone just happens to see you in line at wherever people vote.

  • grumblecakes

    theres no way to tell if someone is a registered voter?

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