Jesus=The archangel Michael?

by WatchTowerofBabel 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WatchTowerofBabel

    Leolaia - I dread reading a comment from you that I don't agree with - I fear when I do I may be forced to change my opinion.

    Reslight2 - I shall have a look at the links you posted. (Although you seem to be saying that an Archangel isn't an Angel?)

  • NoStonecutters

    I am not with the JWs, but Russell adopted the idea that Jesus is the archangel from the Protestant reformers....Many trinitarians have taught....

    Of course. This all confirms my theory that the Watchtower was/is involved in the Protestant Reformation with the specific goal of subverting Orthodoxy. There are just too many fundamental similarities to ignore.

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