We Need A Group Of Anointed To Challenge The Governing Body

by DT 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • DT

    "Hi DT ,can you explain these points ?

    "The Governing Body could face some serious legal challenges if they ever tried to punish those who never joined their coup. A religion doesn't have the right to punish nonmembers. The Mormons have gotten into trouble for this very thing, so there is a precedent.

    There is one very useful thing that this rival group could accomplish. They could process letters of disassociation. I would recommend that they keep the identities of those who disassociate private, but they could send them a letter saying that the request has been approved. This letter could be used to threaten legal action against any elders who represent the Governing Body and try to punish them in any way, including an announcement that is intended to get the congregation to shun them.""

    Here is some information on the Mormon precedent.


    That same website says, "Legally you can submit your resignation to any representative of the church". Assuming this is true, it should be valid to send a letter of resignation to a group of anointed Witnesses who are maintaining the traditions of JW's rather than the Governing Body or those who support them in their coup.

  • NeverKnew

    ooooooo Uh oh.... dreamgolfer is on to something here.... *grin*

    Take a peek! https://anointedjw.org/uploads/L-WBTS_100812.pdf

    This came from oh crap... hold on... can't get to the preceeding page. Will post again.

  • NeverKnew

    Surely they'll get sick of diplomatically answering these questions! LOL


  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    I'm not being funny ,all anointed I met they were nut cases ,nothing interesting a bit like me .Now that I know that I'm going to heaven too ,I don't see the point of organising a website that invites only a few and presents their anointing as a wonderful mysterious experience that they can share with us .I've had enough of special classes .Also ,why the diplomatic answers about the GB ,how about being bold and use old scholl methods like Jesus and the apostles to judge the Satanic 8 currently occupying the WT Headquarters

  • maisha


    notice they head their letters to the society with Christain Way


    ex christian scientist members, hardly anointed of Jehovahs witnesses...

    more than likely why the GB never bothers to rely to them... lol

  • Jaime l de Aragon
  • Vidiot
    raymond frantz - "I 'd rather belong to a small congragation of 30 free Jehovah's Witnesses...rather than I congragation of 100 lobotimised drones."

    Hasn't Dogpatch written about the impending fragmentation of the WTS?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    impending? Hardly. As long as people who are willing to follow any self appointed messiah are alive and breathing, you'll find any number of these religions with leaders who are perfectly willing to exploit them

  • DT

    I have acquired a domain that I think would work well for this site. I have a modest set of goals.

    1. A description of the change in understanding of the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" concept. It will be explained why this doctrine is important and why it could even be considered a core doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    2. It will be stated that this change constitutes a coup and power grab by the Governing Body.

    3. It will be explained that this is a change in the conditions of membership of the Jehovah's Witness religion.

    4. It will be pointed out that nobody is required to accept this change.

    5. This presence of a group of current and former Jehovah's Witnesses that reject this change will be acknowledged.

    6. An open letter will declare that the Governing Body have disassociated themselves by their actions. This will discuss the involvement in the United nations and other actions since. This might also be used as a petition and or a press release.

    7. It will be explained that the website is not a revolt, but a response to a coup and power grab within the organization by those who don't accept the change.

    8. Guidance will be given for those who don't accept the change and don't feel that the Governing Body and it's representatives have the authority to punish them in any way. Nonparticipation in meetings and the ministry will be discussed as a way of showing that the person doesn't support the Governing Body coup. A statement may also be provided that can be downloaded, signed and witnessed by others that can be used to show the date when the person resigned from the religion.

    9. If the proper arrangements can be made, an address might be provided where those who wish to disassociate can send a letter of resignation. This would be processed by a group that has some claim to authority as representatives of Jehovah's Witnesses (either anointed ones or current or former elders or other officials). These letters would be handled without passing on this information to the Governing Body or its representatives, since they are viewed as illegitimate representative of Jehovah's Witnesses. A certificate, suitable for framing, would be mailed back to the person with the date their resignation was processed.

    I have limited time for this project at the moment, but I wanted to give us a chance to discuss it. PM me if you want to help.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?


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