Do JWs really notice significant doctrinal change?

by keyser soze 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    All of these threads about the 'new light' regarding the FDS has got me wondering. As ex-JWs, we've trained ourselves to notice such things. We tend to treat them as if they're of great significance, even convey a certain level of optimism that it will actually wake some up, make some think, even lead to some sort of mass revolution within the ranks.

    Do rank-and-file JWs really see any significance, or is it just wishful thinking? I suspect that the majority of JWs couldn't reasonably explain the difference now, compared to before, in this teaching, or any of the others that have changed over the years. Even the most studious ones will simply shrug it off, or be satisfied by the society's claim of 'new light'.

  • minimus

    I think, uunfortunately, that you are correct. We clearly see it but that's because we know what the cult is all about.

  • FWFranz

    Hi Keyser Soze

    I think that most JW's look forward with such great anticipation to "new light" that it doesn't matter what the WTS decides to feed them, no matter how illogical or implausible it might sound to a critical thinker. Remember, they are trained to look forward to "new light" as a revelation from God, so questioning it or doubting it is far from their minds. Also, strangely enough, the authority of the bible is meaningless to most witnesses. They will almost always defer to statements in the latest magazine as more important than any bible passage you show them. It is telling that their weekly study is a "Watchtower study" and not a bible study. It keeps a smile on the devils face.


  • leavingwt

    Think about Lifton's research and Hassan's application.

    Doctrine is of no concern. They can change it every week. Hell, they need some excitement. When something changes, it's "proof" that Jehovah is providing spiritual food to the people writing the WT magazine articles.

    The only thing of concern is what is covered in the upcoming Watchtower lesson.

    “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” -- George Orwell
  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    The only thing more annoying than a JW preaching the end of this system of things is an Ex-JW preaching the imminent downfall of the JWs: same dynamic, just a different subject of the prediction. We see alot of that kind of thing around here, where everything that involves JWs (Sparlock, Anon, pedophile cover-ups, masturbation video, doctrinal changes, etc) is predicted to start a mass exodus from the KH, and then results in the needle not moving.

    Fact is, there are multiple generations of JWs who lived their entire lives waiting for Armageddon, and were into it too long to do anything else.

  • leavingwt

    Why in the world would you need to print a magazine every single month for more than 100 years, unless you were going to change things? The entire model is dependent upon change. What possibly more could they publish, if nothing were to change? The writers are in love with the sound of their own voices.

  • sabastious
    The only thing more annoying than a JW preaching the end of this system of things is an Ex-JW preaching the imminent downfall of the JWs: same dynamic, just a different subject of the prediction.

    Huh? Are you a Watchtower apologist? I don't understand your presence here. Is the WT paying you a lot of money or something? Why do you want to keep them alive so much? Turn your wife into a Mormon and let the JW's die for Christ's sake!


  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Good points (as usual), LW.

  • wannabefree

    Here is an article that seems appropriate about Harold Camping's followers and cognitive dissonance.

  • Tater-T

    they will notice and be over joyed

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