
by WildTurkey 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildTurkey

    Something that always bothered me was society's policy of putting restrictions on people for wrong doing. Folks get reinstated, and full restrictions its like being punished and when you and then punished again how loving. Its just another way the Borg uses to control people. No wonder so many Jws are hurting themselves, but they are the happiest people on the face of the earth!

  • Pathofthorns

    I get a kick out of what they call "privileges"... Basically it is free labour you are providing them and they think it is a "privilege" if they LET you do it for them!

    To think they are actually punishing you by not letting you comment, carry their microphones or spend your time knocking at doors is a bit bizarre.

    What pisses me off in this regard is how quickly "privileges" are suspended for publishers over relatively minor matters while exceptions tend to be made for elders.


  • WildTurkey

    Yeah Pathofthorns, and when you are on restrictions you cant comment at the meetings but you damn sure can cut the kingdomhall grass.

  • SYN

    If you consider carrying a microphone around or having to do administrative work at the Book Counter a priveledge, you're probably not flying with all your engines!

    "...the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing" - The Golden Age
    [SYN], UADA
    - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa.

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Actually carrying the mic's or running the sound IS a priviledge when you look at it from the perspective of being able to DO something at the meetings instead of just sitting there having your brain fried!
    Who wants to just sit at the meetings when you can do something active (assuming that you are still "forced" to attend)?

    L. Ron Hubbard was killed by fire ants.

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    Shortly after being baptized, some sisters stopped by the house to use the restroom (most company I ever got from the friends, LOL). I had rented Braveheart and the video was sitting on the table so I wouldn't forget to take it back. One sister told me that I could lose my "privileges" if anyone knew I was renting R rated movies. I had never heard of "privileges" before and was surprised to hear that. It wasn't a bad movie, considering some of the stuff that's on tv. Whatever. I told her we didn't rent r rated movies, we just didn't realize that one was, lol.

    She was the same sister that waited till the day of my baptism to "inform" me that oral sex was considered unclean and that once baptised I better not engage in any (just in case my unjw husband and I ever did that sort of thing). What a crock. I felt so guilty getting baptised since we had just had oral sex the night before. Really spoiled it for me, you know. LOL


    Have you noticed that when you lose your privileges for anything other than being DF that they take everything from you except field service. You can't carry the mics, you can't comment,you can't give talks but you damn sure can continue to go out in field service. Keep placing those mags and books. Back in the day when I was a bad J-Dub. Field Service is the one thing I wish they would take from me. But I guess thats more of a favor than a punishment.


  • WildHorses

    My best memories of being a JW was when I had my privileges taken away. I didn't like commenting anyway.

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • LB

    I recall the elders telling me that I'm going to be handling microphones at meetings. I laughed and said "let the kids do that, they want to".

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Joseph Joachim
    Joseph Joachim

    you damn sure can continue to go out in field service

    Field service is like a repent-o-meter for the elders; the more you participate after being reproved, the more you show that your repentance is genuine. The eleders in my congo made that point very clear. I don't know if that was just their opinion or if it's the Society's policy.

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