Can a long distance relationship really work between jws?

by crazymeee 42 Replies latest social relationships

  • EndofMysteries

    I also reread your original post. Your concerns are right. I also wonder, since you are 17, are you planning on going to college? With the job situation right now, if both of you didn't get extra education, it would be very hard to even live together and share expenses. If you or both of you are going to college, then realistically it wouldn't be for 2 to 4 years. A long distance that long is probably not going to happen, you're both bound to meet somebody local and the pressure of being away.

    If you neither of you are planning on getting more education, it's going to be an extremely hard life, unless you have a business setup or inheritence.

  • EndofMysteries

    And you can probably get a government grant to go for free, once you are like 24 years old, if later in life you decided you should have, you definitely have to pay then.

  • crazymeee

    yeah there are but not my type i dont like how they act and plus there all short and if there tall there really annoying iv met some online before locally but never met in person before until we meet at a party and texting they get annoying and i tell myself its just in texting.. no there the exact same way in person-_- so i dont i wanna see if it can happen in a long distance u know grow to love each other i know im exactly the same in texting and in person i try hard to be in phone too whatever pops in my mind is what i say/write,,, i know titles dont matter but iv come to be able to tell if your just a jw cuz your parents make u go and because u actually think its the truth... before we even started talking about etting to know more about each other he told me "honestly i wasnt all that good before but iv comed to realize that all that was just crazy crap i was doing that wasnt worth losing the people that loved you the most" and that got me interested its the same thing that went on with me

  • EndofMysteries

    When I had met ones in person from online. One's I thought I'd like I ended up not liking, and ones I thought I wouldn't like I ended up liking lol. Cause again it's different in person.

  • EndofMysteries

    I'm assuming you were both reproved or something, had a wild streak, and it caused family problems? Is that what your talking about or something else?

  • jgnat

    Can you just keep this as a casual, fun-to-know you long distance relationship for a while? It's not the distance that bothers me so much as your youth. Judging from the growing up that my daughter did between seventeen and twenty-seven, her hopes, dreams, and interests changed a lot. It would be awful to make a lifetime commitment to someone you have nothing in common with, even if you do today.

    So what are you planning on taking in college?

  • crazymeee

    yeah thats what i tell him that just friends for now, im gonna do child psycology iv already started taking a course jgnat

    and endofmysteries yeah somthing like that so thats another thing that got me interested if i tell him about me hed understand you know not be able to judge alot of the people i meet judge alot so im just waiting and seeing what happens

    hes already in college hes basically a nerd hes worked on so many different things since a couple years back has a job right now and even if he loses it he has a vast knowledge of different fields... one of the things that impressed me about him,, before we started talking more he mentioned it and he post pictures before we met on instagram about his knowledge of other fields

  • EndofMysteries

    Good, very glad to hear you are both doing things that will allow you to support yourselves.

    Psychology is a very interesting field, you'll probably learn a lot and it will open your eyes even on things in your own life.

    Also, I don't know about in your area, but I moved around a lot, and more then 1/2 I had grown up with had left JW's at some point from late teens to early 20's. If 2 are married and ONE leaves, then it's a big problem. If both stay or both leave then atleast they are together. But that's another good reason to wait. Sounds like you have to until you're both out of college. So just talking as friends, then when it's closer, if it works out, then great.

  • crazymeee

    yeah talking about this made me realize it is seriuos thank you all for your advice :) its still open for discussion thou

  • EndofMysteries

    Sure no problem. I have nothing else to add about that, but if any other questions or things you wanna talk about shoot.

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