What's the Strangest Dream You Ever Had?

by Perry 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    ashi , yeah i don't like them but i'm pretty used to them. i ofetn wake up crying or screaming... feel bad for my roomies

    LOL heathen, thats was toooo funny

    (¯`·.¸the agents of oblivion descend upon the sane¸.·´¯)

  • chezza

    I used to have this recurring dream night after night for a couple of years, but only when i slept in a certain room at my mums house, the dream stopped after i got married, anyway, its late, very dark outside, no curtains on the windows and the window is open, my sisters and my brother and i are all in the room being silly, all of a sudden some guys come through the window with balaclava's on, at the same time my mum comes in the room and starts yelling at us to make our beds, as they had no sheets on them, we were screaming as the guys were trying to hurt us, and my mum just keeps saying make your beds before you go anywhere at that point i would always wake up.
    Interesting thing though this bedroom was facing a house that was believed to be haunted, i wonder if that had anything to do with my dream.

  • Perry

    C'mon Amazing; tell us, tell us!

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America

  • gilwarrior

    Holy Crap!

    I just had the stangest dream last night! I dreamed that I proposed marriage to my lady friend. She agreed and gave me a huge kiss right on the mouth!

    That is all that I can remember.

    "I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."

    William H. Macy - "Magnolia"

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