Dear Recovery...

by OneDayillBeFree 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Yeah, Recovery is no different from any other troll who's losing their religion, and is struggling to hold onto their faith via confirmation by having it challenged. It's all ego-driven.

    That's why people need to stay away from the ad-hominems and personal insults (troll baiting), since anything other than sticking to the fact-based approach only reinforces HIS persecution complex, and clutters the discussion of the topic (which he cannot win, on the basic of pure fact-based analysis).

    It also plays into the WTBTS agenda of claiming that apostates are mentally-ill, filled with hatred and anger. The validity of the arguments in the thread speaks for the truth for others who may be lurking.

  • mrsjones5

    Sounds like a plan. It would be interesting to see it played out that way.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    The reality is that no one gives a deep crap of what Recovery or anyone else believes

    How sad that some people think this way. You've gotta speak for yourself (KS) and not for everyone here. I personally have come to change many things that I believe because of what people have written on this site. I respect the views of everyone (even atheist/agnostic arguments) even if I don't agree with them. Yes, I may want to prove my point and argue, but I still respect their right to believe or not believe. I may not come across that way sometimes, but I am a real person with real feelings on this side of the keyboard.

    It's interesting, KS. Sometimes I feel like you speak like Recovery. You want to call everyone delusional and be insulting to everyone that has an opinion different than your own. I've seen it happen many times between you and many other posters. It gets into an insulting match of who can make the other feel worse about themselves or their beliefs. Why can't we tell people our opinion and respect their response without having to get insulting? If you have such a good case about what you are arguing, why can't you do it without comments that insult the others intelligence and make them feel like YOU are smart but THEY are delusional or stupid?

    I know this wasn't about you. But it's something I've noticed about both you and Recovery.

    Onddayillbefree: That was beautifully done. I wouldn't be able to be that eloquent at 3am!!! I think it illustrates and important point. And before someone thinks that I'm claiming to not be this way, I'm not claiming this. I have a lot to work on. But I also think that we should try to show love, respect, and understanding towards everyone that posts here.

    I'm thinking right now about Oompa. Some of the things that we are feeling are very raw. Some that may have been out of the WT for a long time may have had those emotions fade and start to not watch how they say things anymore. But remember, there are some people that are still deeply confused and hurt by what the WT has done to them. We need to respect them and understand that they are going through things that we are not going through. They may be at the point of suicide. They may be at the point of turning to drugs or alcohol for some sort of comfort. And please remember something we say can deeply hurt another person here.

    Obviously we can talk about things and have our own opinions and beliefs. But that should never bleed over into insulting others, disrespecting their views, and making them feel less worthy or even stupid.

    I think about how sometimes we call other people delusional. I've been guilty of it. And others have too. That's a personal attack on someone and their beliefs. Can't we debate without having to cross over into the realm of personal attacks and insults?

    I really think this should apply to current and believing JWs that post here too. We've all seen how people like Bane, Alice, Elephant, and Recovery have tried to insult us and what we came to believe was true and untrue. We should we do the same to them?

    I believe that the ONLY way a JW is going to reasonably listen to the facts is if the facts are brought to them in a calm, loving, and reasonable way. We can do this whether we are Atheist, Christian, Islamic, Mormon, or Jehovah's Witness. We forget that today. We forget to show tolerance, love, and understanding when we feel so strongly about something. We get frustrated because of the beliefs that others hold that are different from our own. Sometimes this feeling is understandable as the OP pointed out. When we first get out of the WT, we are angry, bitter, confused, and resentful. But that SHOULD fade over time. And we should let a more tolerant and loving attitude shine, no matter who we are, what we believe, or what God we choose to worship.

  • Tater-T
  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    To OneDayIllBeFree- It was a very impassioned and thoughtful commentary on your part.

    Here's hoping "Recovery" takes your words to heart.


  • JWB

    Onedayillbefree, thank you so much for writing that letter. What a gentle, kind tone you showed. That is indeed the type of attitude I would expect from many folks at the local KH. We were always taught to be careful how we treated householders, as we did not want "the truth to be spoken of abusively". Unfortunately, I found out that there were some 'brothers' who did not appear to manifest such a Christ-like disposition in the FS. Thankfully, they were in the minority! But no doubt it made it difficult for those returning to the territory some time later.

    "But a slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle toward all, qualified to teach, keeping himself restrained under evil, instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed; as perhaps God may give them repentance leading to an accurate knowledge of truth, and they may come back to their proper senses out from the snare of the Devil, seeing that they have been caught alive by him for the will of that one." - 2 Timothy 2:24-26 (NWT)

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    I'm thinking that Recovery is not going to respond to this?

  • Recovery

    I do not understand why people continue to say I use insults and ad hominem attacks when I do nothing of the sort. Yes, I use sarcasm but it is not in angry or condescending or any other derogatory, gross manner. It is simply my way of having fun and exposing flaws in thinking and why people shouldn't take every single word I type in such extreme seriousness. Maybe sarcasm does not come across well, without a human voice behind the words.

    I will refrain from sarcasm whenever possible, as it is constantly misinterpreted/thought to be some sort of arrogance or ad hominem attack.

    Thanks for the letter, points noted. In my short time here, I have already received several emails from struggling JW's who were lurking that told me that my posts helped them. If I helped one JW free themselves of the lies spread on the internet, then all my efforts were certainly worth it.

    The point of my name is that I was once a borderline apostate. It is absolutely debilitating and crushing to your spirituality from that point forward. I am recovering day by day and this is my way of doing so. Wish you the best as well.

  • LostGeneration

    I have already received several emails from struggling JW's who were lurking that told me that my posts helped them

    I thought you said you were going to stop with the sarcasm...

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    It is simply my way of having fun and exposing flaws in thinking and why people shouldn't take every single word I type in such extreme seriousness.

    I understand this, Recovery. But please remember that people that you call "apostate" that have real feelings. We are not heartless people that are "evil" and "mentally diseased" like the WTS calls us. You could be responsible for someone becoming deeply depressed. And I don't think you really want to do that. But there is no place for insults and sarcasm that is done in order to tear someone else down.

    Believe what you want. But don't go so far as to insult others as the Watchtower regularly does.

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