I was HAPPY as a JW! How did I end up here? Pt 2

by MC RubberMallet 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    Continuation of... http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/239292/5/I-was-HAPPY-as-a-JW-how-did-I-get-here

    Now, at the point when I left Bethel, I knew about the 1975 fiasco, UN, and pedophilia issues. I didn't know the EXTENT, but I had an idea there was some truth to such matters. The problem was the mind control issues: Where else is there to go? Who else is doing what JW's are doing? The men are imperfect. It's the perfect organization made up of imperfect people, etc. Everyone knows the drill. Anything and everything to convince me what believe is true and I haven't wasted time, money, and effort supporting just another whacky religion. Then there's the fear of Armageddon. What if I leave, and end up getting killed? What about my family? What if I'm wrong? What if Satan has gotten a hold of my thinking? And of course the no war, showing love, preaching, etc. that convinced me this was the true organization despite the problems.

    In every assignment, or "privilege", had it's share of problems. I was aware of the serious issues and had to sometimes be involved. So it wasn't exactly "peachy" in my JW world. But I will admit there were more good times than bad, and any bad that came up I dealt with because it was for Jehovah! That gave me all the motivation and confidence I needed to stick with it.

    I was one who always asked questions, and I try very hard to be honest with myself. I did ask many questions brothers could not answer, and I would answer hard questions from the Bible better than the Society could, with their weak circular reasoning on everything. One thing that never sat with me was the 7 trumpet blasts from Revelation. As a devout hardcore dub, I seen the ridiculousless of that crap. That's when the GB's iron exterior started to crack for me. But I was still convinced this was the truth.

    Last year, I attended two seperate conventions. At BOTH, I heard joking remarks and comments in a few talks about the Harold Camping failure. And each time the audience laughed. That pissed me off! I was thinking how in the world do we have the right to laugh at anyone else, when we are guilty of the same thing, NUMEROUS TIMES?! I held it in, but it made my blood boil.

    Soon thereafter, I underwent more research about 1914, 1975, and other dates the end was supposed to come, to get the facts about what happened (I was out of Bethel, but back temping. So I used WTs from archive room. Yes, they keep a copy of EVERY single publication they print. And when they make changes, they keep a copy of that also). Needless to say, I was blown back. I was also appalled that the society deliberately changed wording in WTLibrary from the original wording. I thought, why would they need to do that? That's dishonest! Oh, because those apostates would take things out of context! Lol. But I did research in the Societies' publications, to prove to myself this was still the truth. And I was still convinced! Am I serious? Unfortunately, yes. But I was an egg, about to hatch into a beautiful butterfly. Lol.

    A few weeks later, and very close elder and I were out to eat. I started telling him what I learned. He was a trustworthy brother, and to this day, nothing I told him has come back to me. And EVERYTHING has come back to me. So I would like to say he kept his word. And I'm telling him I was losing confidence, and to help me. I'm frightened though, because I'm easily refuting all his WT canned answers about everything. Then the next few words turned me into an apostate.

    Me: So why is it we can make false predictions, but no one else can?
    Him: Because of our hearts. We are humble, other religions are in it for money and power. (JW's will use this reasoning when their backs are to the wall, rather, when they lack real evidence. This is used by WT also, because every witness wants to be associated with an endearing quality like humility, and if association with the religion gives you that quality by default, the BINGO!)
    Me: (Eyes opened. Major synaptic connections going on here!)
    Me: Hmm. I see...... Do you know my heart?
    Him: Uhh.. No.
    Me: Correct. And I'm sitting across from you! But you still can't read my heart. The Bible says not to even trust your own heart! So how can you categorize everyone NOT a JW as having a wicked heart, and assume because one has the title of being a JW, their heart is automatically good?
    Him: Look at the evidence. Look at the growth....
    Me: That's not what I asked you....
    Him: I can't say for sure.
    Me: So you know me better than almost anyone else on this earth, and you can't properly read what's in my heart at this time. But you can tell me as a FACT that Jehovah judged good the heart of a man who died 70 years before you were born, and that's your basis for dismissing his crazy ideas, and in comparison to other religions guilty of likewise offenses?! (We had been discussing Russell prior).
    Him: .......
    Me: I would like to, with all my heart, believe Russell had a good heart. But I cannot say for sure. I only have to go by facts. And according to the scriptural facts, we are as guilty the same things as other religions. We just lie to ourselves. (Yes, I became a company man into an apostate in 7 mins. Egg hatched...)
    Him: We shouldn't be overly critical.

    Me: Right. So other religions make false predictions, it proves Jehovah is not using them. We make false predictions, it means we're overzealous, but humble. Other religions join UN, they're having sex with the wild beast, touching the unclean thing. We join the UN, for a library card, and it's ok. Additionally, if I personally got a card to the YMCA, no reason is nobe enough, I'd be disfellowshipped for apostacy. Other religions hide pedophilia. We keep in quiet to not profane Jehovah's name. Other religions install ATM's, we print it in our mags to show how disgusting they are. We install debit card machines a year later, "keeping up with technology". Other religions change doctrine, it's because they follow man's opinion (for reference, please see April 22, 1970 Awake! Changes That Disturb People). We change doctrine because Jehovah is leading us. And he was leading us to the wrong doctrine in the first place? MAN, WE ARE SOME HYPOCRITES!!!!

    (I cannot believe had all that knowledge, and still could not see the truth about the truth finally until this moment)

    Me: To top it all off, let's call out all other religions, because these are proof they do not belong to God. But our same exact steps, let's dismiss those and not be overly critical about them.
    Him: Be careful. You're talking like an apostate!
    Me: If being honest makes me an apostate, then call me one. Calling someone an apostate is a big step though. So if you do, remember Matt. 5:22 (However, I say to YOU that everyone who continues wrathful with his brother will be accountable to the court of justice; but whoever addresses his brother with an unspeakable word of contempt will be accountable to the Supreme Court; whereas whoever says, ‘You despicable fool!’ will be liable to the fiery Ge?hen′na.)
    Him: (Usual JW spiel about Korah Dathan Abiram) Don't let your pride take you down. The Society taught you everyting you know. Don't think you will know more than them.
    Me: We won't see eye to eye. But thanks for allowing me to talk.
    Convo over.

    I call him up later though, I did apologize for getting too hyped. He was good about it. But I told him why it was a big deal for me:
    Me: If I was a Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, or any religion, and I found out my beliefs were wrong, or parts of my history were no good, what would you expect me to do?
    Him: Leave. Do what Rev. 18:4 says.
    Me: So as a JW, am I exempt from that?
    Him: No, but wait on Jehovah.
    Me: Would you tell a Catholic to remain in his religion, and wait on Jehovah to sort things out? (I have nothing against Catholic individuals, but it was effective in making my point clear because JW's despise the religion.
    Him: Not if your in false religion.
    Me: Every religion feels theirs is being led my God and all other religions are false. Not just Christian religions but all, Muslims, etc. included. Do you think if people would stop just accepting things for what they want them to be, instead of what the facts show, there would be so many religions?
    Him: Agreed!
    Me: Too many people believe their understanding and religion is correct because, well, they believe it! Not enough are willing to challenge their religion, beliefs, and comfort zone for truth. I don't want to fall in that trap. My life depends on it.....
    Him: This might be our last conversation. Do more research.
    Me: Wow. Man up and face the facts bro. We are hypocrites....

    That all I have time for, will post the effects of this convo 2moro....

    Please keep in mind, at the time I still believed in the Bible, and Bible Jehovah. I just was quickly losing the idea that JW's were the true religion...

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    MC RubberMallet That was worth waiting for !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Then there's the fear of Armageddon. What if I leave, and end up getting killed? What about my family? What if I'm wrong? What if Satan has gotten a hold of my thinking? And of course the no war, showing love, preaching, etc. that convinced me this was the true organization despite the problems.

    Those were my thoughts, too. Indoctrination.

    I always hated the hypocrisy that JW's condemned "apostates" but thought it to be fine if someone left their religion and became a JW.

    Also, with Harold Camping- his predictions and joking about it. (But some really have no idea about all the FALSE predictions.

    Also, a CO talked about how so many religions were only in it for money and spoke about a specific evangelizer who lives in a very ornate and lavish lifestyle.

    Not to mention the UN and the worst child abuse coverups.

    Emcee-Your conversation just seemed to flow out of you, effortlessly. And you asked such good questions!!!!!!

    I am marking this page. It's soooooo good!!!!

    Thank you!

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    Rip - I am glad you enjoyed it. If there was any time I thought the Holy Spirit was using me, it was that moment! Lol.

    I was upset it took me so long to realize the sham when the knowledge was there! Admittedly, it came out rather aggressive. I wish to have been more smooth....

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    (LOL) You wish to be smooth- I wish to be more aggressive!!!Here's hoping wishes come true

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    MC Rubber Mallet I just finished reading part 1 & now this. WOW! The hypocrisy in the organization was a big thing for me, leading to my exit. I think it says a lot about a person's character when you just can't turn a blind eye to things you know in your heart are just not right. I started questioning the hypocrisy of JW's criticising other religions when they are guilty of the same thing. They have an answer (excuse) for everything. I LOVED your point re: waiting on Jehovah. Priceless! Leslie (looking forward to Part 3)

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    MC Rubber Mallet,

    I knew everything you said to the elder, but what makes it better than just knowing it, is how you put it together in a real conversation and masterfully multiply the impact. You were possessed.

    The arrogance, the chutzpa, the hypocrisy of the elder "we are humble". Unbelievable!!

  • Tater-T

    awesome MC!!! great read.. almost passed, looked to long... then I read the remark that it was worth it and it was..

    thanks for your effort and sharing..

  • Satanus

    I notice that, before your exit, you reach a level where you become totally honest, taking a new look at things without the wt/gb glasses on. You still believe that it's the truth, somehow, but you are reevaluating and letting things fall where they may. Would you say that this is an accurate observation?

    I bring this up because it seems similar to a place where i was at, before i found the exit. I hadn't stopped believing, yet. But, i was ready to see clearly. I was like that for at least a yr. All it took was for someone to suggest that i read franz' crisis of conscience, and reading it, i was out.


  • thinking_not_believing

    read part 1 this morning and just read this... i am just glad i was able to come to the exact same conclusions as you when i was 18/19. I had those goals of bethel and glad i didnt have to go there to really see all the hypocricy with my own eyes... looking foward to pt. 3

  • Meadow36

    What is the Harold Camping failure??

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