Any one here Know much about homeopathic med's?

by lydia 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus


    I have a chronic sinus infection. Mind telling me what cured yours? I tried lemna minor, but it didn't do much. As well what helped your other problem?

    Thanks SS

  • MegaDude


    I don't remember what my then mother in law gave me for my sinus infection. I do remember what she used for the urinary tract infection. It was Cantharis. It took the pain away immediately. I used repeated doses. And I used this remedy on at least three occasions and it worked every single time. I don't remember what strength it was. It made a believer out of me. That was no placebo effect.

    Her name is Sandra J. Perko. I believe you can contact her here by writing her. You might ask her for a recommendation for a homeopath in your area, or who could give you that info. There are some good and bad homeopaths out there.

    Sandra J Perko PhD
    14947 Forward Pass
    San Antonio, TEXAS 78248-0918

  • Introspection

    A couple of things come to my mind. First of all, most people do not approach medicine and health care systematically. It's understandable, after all there is so much to know, especially if you're looking at all these different treatment modalities out there and trying to figure out what would be best for which disease condition. But I think the simplistic "this-for-that" logic has got to go, no matter what it is you use.

    Another thing is the clinical evidence that exists for some of these alternative treatments. Of course, this is where the practitioner makes all the difference. No doubt you'd be hard pressed to convince someone like Mega that it's just the placebo effect, but you can convince yourself that it was and that he's simply deluded. I noticed that some of the old codgers that wrote the articles on homeopathy put "acupuncture meridians" in quotation marks, evidently they don't think acupuncture is valid either. Recently my hips were acting up (seems to be a compensation pattern from an 8 year old injury) and I sought the help of an advanced Rolfer. (a sort of deep tissue bodywork, hardly what one might consider massage) Well, it helped, but then I got some acupuncture from my Tai Chi grandmaster who also happens to be an acupuncturist. Frankly I didn't really think a structural problem would be helped by acupuncture, but I thought what the hell it's free (he'll work on his students for free briefly if it's not a chronic condition) so I gave it a go. He hit about 2 dozen points in *five minutes* and after that I was able to medially rotate my leg again, which I still had difficulty doing after 1.5 hours of Rolfing. (which, by the way, is the most effective type of bodywork that I've found for my condition)

    I for one won't dismiss personal experience out of hand, but I do take into account who it is I'm talking to and if there's a good possibility for self-delusion and judge it on a case by case basis. In my own case, I want to see the proof because if it's MY health I want it to be REAL! In fact I have a tendency to be a bit pessimistic at times. I know when I have no expectations that it will work, and I don't put any energy into imagining it will work. In this particular case, the results are immediate and visible - I had an increased range of motion. Now obviously you don't want to try any old thing on yourself because there is the possiblity that it will harm, but sometimes all the study and reasoning is just that and only that. They are only concepts you have in your mind.

    (edited for spelling)

  • lydia

    Thanks to all who have responded.. I am still looking into it and going very slowly.
    I wish that there was some way to do things witout all of the side effects that the medications seem to produce here.
    Peace to all....


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    A very good book for diets that can heal is:
    "Eat right for your type"
    It uses your blood type to choose your food.
    Different foods have lectins that make certain blood types get sicky and clump and this is not good.
    Check it out.
    accourding to evolution science type O is the oldest Type A next then Type B and the youngest Type AB(only 800 yrs old).

    By eating right for your type you will increase good health.

    Join the Watchtower or you will die.
    Only Jehovah's Witnesses have the TRUTH all other religions EVIL and from the Devil.
    You must beleive the Watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really GOOD NEWS?
  • MegaDude

    Although I had two experiences that were dramatic where it did work, I used homeopathy for treatment of anxiety and it did not work. In the case of my sinus infections, I don't get them every year like I used to. In the case of the infection I had, it took excruciating pain to zero in a matter of seconds.

    Most people who squawk about homeopathy being a fraud have never tried it, nor read much beyond some critic's blathering about it.
    They are usually fairly ignorant of the subject, or overly pessimestic and paranoid.

    Try it for yourself and see. There are a number of things in alternative medicine that are fraud. Some people I've talked to say rolfing is pure quackery. However, ask Introspection and he'll certainly give you a different opinion. Some people swear chiropractic is useless. Yet a chiropractor helped me correct some terrible shoulder pain when the expensive neurologist I went to first could do nothing for me except prescribe pain meds.

  • Introspection

    Just one more thing. When I originally injured my hip I went to a Chiropractor. Although the head doc there was good, the guy that examined me was new. He took no x-rays and never had me do any kind of exercises to rehab the joint. Despite going in up to 3 times a week the damage was there for a long time, I just didn't realize it was there because the pressure was relieved from the adjustments. Looking back I think it would have been appropriate to do that or even work with a physical therapist. However, it doesn't mean Chiropractic is useless, but just that it has it's place. Now I come up with a treatment plan myself, employing the services of different doctors and health care professionals. Some of it is common sense if you think about it, I didn't think too much at the time and just relied on the doc to "make" me better. It's best to be active in your treatment and health maintenance.

  • Mulan

    Good GRIEF, Amazing!! You are so biased. I can't believe you said those things. No scientific basis!! Where were you born, and when?? It wasn't that long ago, that today's alternatives were the norm. In Europe and Asia, they still are traditional medicine. What we call traditional here, in those parts of the world are alternative. Someday the U.S. may catch up with European and Asian medical schools. Someday.

    Homeopathy, when practiced correctly, is wonderful, and truly works. Dad used it all the time in his practice, and treated numerous ailments, and pain with Arnica (Arsenic), and Bella Donna too (Deadly Nightshade). Yes, they are deadly poisons, but in their extreme dilutions, they have very good results. I hesitate to use the word, amazing...........

    One example: my first child was born when I was 18, and he was a BIG baby (10.4 pounds). I had many stitches and was really, really, sore. We didn't take any pharaceuticals, from Dad's practice, because he wasn't allowed to prescribe them. I took Arnica, and the pain was INSTANTLY gone. No side effects, and I was totally alert, not drugged.

    There is another preparation, called Cobra Lactin, which is Cobra venom. It treats back pain VERY effectively. Another takes away menstrual cramps immediately, and helps to cure endometriosis. I can go on and on. If you have a Materia Medica, you can look them all up.

    Geez, I wish people would think before they write, or at least read!!!

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • target

    I have used herbs and vitamins extensively but was never very successful with homeopathic remedies. My little grandson is teething and my daughter-in-law said nothing was helping. Someone told her about some homeopathic pills for teething. She was getting very little sleep so she gave it a try. She says it works great and the baby likes the pills. He is 19 months old and getting his molars. She is thrilled with the results.


  • Satanus

    I went through a full course of rolfing treatments, and it did almost nothing for me. A good stretching regime would do the same and save hundreds of dollars.


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