What - if any - Religon are you now practicing?

by lydia 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • lydia

    I know this seems like a dumb subject.. but I often wonder if many of us still believe and feel the need to worship - and not the BOrg either .

    So here is a poll...

    What religious orginization - if any - are you affiliated ( this does not mean you had to join it)?

    Or - do you feel that everything is wrong due to the BOrg..and will you ever consider going to an organized religon again??

    Just curious, Personally - I felt the need to join an org..and after much research - I am now a member of the Lutheran Faith, and I also teach an adult Sunday School class.

    What is your story?


  • Satanus

    I found that i was joined to the universe, spiritually speaking, an animal, physically speaking.


  • lydia

    Interesting Saint satan.

    I do believe we are all conected to nature and the elements..
    anyone else??


  • betweenworlds

    Yes! Very much so. The pagan in me cannot be contained. Must be all that native american and celtic blood in my veins


    Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity. Lord Acton 1834-1902

  • Tammie

    Yes, I am involved with a non-denomintional faith. Actually it is kinda link with the penicostal faith. But I had actually got involved with them a few short weeks before I had totally dissocated from the JW's.

    The truth can never be hurt by a lie,
    but a lie can be exposed by the truth.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hi again Lydia

    No religion...my dub mother thinks I worship the mighty dollar because I'm working instead of witnessing...and because I'm putting money into a retirement fund instead of the kingdom hall fund...gggrrrr!!

    I have no spiritual interests...I feel like I've had a guts full already.


  • Undecided

    Hi lydia,

    Not a dumb question at all. For me sometimes I think of a higher being but I just don't know what it might be, or what it is doing now. It would seem to me it would at least make itself known in some tangible way. The bible has spawned so many different ideas that have never materialized that I have no more faith in it at all.

    I just try to live a life so as not to hurt others and when I can I help others. I have no religion as such. I don't know what else to do as I have seen no religion that makes any sense to me. Organized religion is a great waste of money in my view. Have you noticed how many church buildings there are? I attended one for a while but didn't believe any of the doctrines, it was just a social thing and I didn't fit in with the group. I don't condemn someone who wants to belong to a church, as long as they don't become some prophet or special agent from God to change the world to their view and way of life and perhaps kill other people to please their God.

    I wish I knew the answer to the worlds problems and the sick minded crooks in this world.

    Ken P.

  • Quotes

    Well, with all the "SELF WORSHIP" I've done over the years, I suppose I worship myself. But I was doing that before I got "out". :)

    Seriously, I do not feel a spiritual side, I do not feel the need to worship, pay homage, etc. (The analogy I like to use: some people don't feel the need to exercise, some people don't feel the need to push their cuticles back, some people don't feel the need to *NOT* fart in an elevator. People are different and have different needs and wants, and mine don't include spirituality. However, I *DO* recognize that some people feel this way, and I respect that.

    If force to choose a religious category, I would say "non-practising Humanist". From the website http://www.humanism.org/

    The humanist movement is an international organization formed by people of different ages, origins, culture and religion, united by the project to build a truly human society. A society in which the human being, with his needs and aspirations, is the central value. A society in which human rights are completely realized: the right to health, instruction, freedom, spirituality, search for the meaning of life, and an existence with dignity.

    For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out:
  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    I have not joined another religious organization. My wife and I have tried the "Church of the Sunday Morning Paper" as well as the "Church
    of Beer". It's a difficult decision especially when you factor in re-runs of "Mysteries of the Bible." We feel very pulled.

    I consider myself a liberal Christian and a Deist. I'll attend an occasional meeting at the KH, or convention to see some old friends. I have a hard time seeing myself ever joining a Church.


  • teejay

    You know the Wall Street Journal reporter that was killed in Pakistan? Daniel Pearl? A news report quoted his wife as saying that *his* religion was "truth."

    I liked the sound of that. I'm thinking of joining up.

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