Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?

by PokerPlayerPhil 184 Replies latest social current

  • _Morpheus
    Which i why i said "he reports" and "if true"
  • PokerPlayerPhil
    Why did you think of the videos?
  • paulmolark

    The drivers anonymous relative says the driver thinks that grey was injured before he got in the van and is scared that 6 officers will be prosecuted when it was probably one two or three people responsible. Lol. So the driver thinks that they injured him but no one wants to address that part. Instead they quote a CRIMINAL who could not even see GREY but THOUGHT he HEARD grey thrashing about. Let's just all accept that these men won't be charged. Let's just all accept that the police in this country are not being abusive. Its not like the police in this country have an extremely long history of abusing minorities and framing them. It's not like there is a history of police covering for their own. Let's just realize that the government does not have a history of covering over things assassinating people and destroying certain segments of the population or writing laws to target particular groups of people.

    Let's just accept the fact that the governing body never said 1975 was... O my bad

  • paulmolark

    Just so you understand I am not convicting these 6 men yet. Regardless of the outcome of THIS case these people need to be in the streets of Baltimore protesting. In he last four years 90 something people have one cases of police brutality and misconduct and civil rights abuse against these THUG police in this city.

    this is why it is so hard for the people of this community to not erupt the way the have

  • _Morpheus
    You are a fool who clearly dosent live anywhere near here, here being where i do in fact live. Im no longer entertaining your foolishness.
  • paulmolark

    Morpheus you have no idea. You do not even live in Baltimore. You said you visit from time to time for a meal. I have lived in cities like New York and Newark and was looking out for my life during the Newark riots of 1992.

    You may not want to accept those Facts about Baltimore that were stated but hey are true so yes ignore the fact that I won't agree with you and jump on your bandwagon.

    Lastly continue to be an internet thug and call me a fool over the Internet but we both now you have neither the heart of the testicular fortitude to do so to my face. A grown man parading around with a matrix avatar as if you are somehow cool. Go die in a fire

  • PokerPlayerPhil

    Paul the Pendelum of Abuse has swung to the far side of Society's Clock. I remember as a kid living in WEHO how disrespectul kids were to the officers on career day. Kids under their breath calling the police officer "Pig" or "Knarck" because they thought this would impress their fellow classmates. When did the Police turn from protective men to the militarized soldiers of the City, think "Escape from New York" style cities dealing with civil insanity.

    Chicago on Robocop, Society has become so unmanageable you need robotic weapons or another scenario is Stallone in "Judge Dread", Hollywood's Sci-Fy writers has a bleak scenario written out for you and me and especially the poor who will get scooted in to some nasty region to live(think Matt Damon and Jody Foster movie living above Earth in some utopia with limited resources as humans struggle to eat).

    These past few years have reflected a pent-up rage slowly being released by both parties in this mess, how do we avert a total war in the ghettos and demographically poor regions? We got to stop the tension before we start killing each racially on a large scale. The Media should stop fanning the flames of hatred, their trolls even though their providing a service that might otherwise be covered up!

  • Simon

    paulmolark: your insulting comments wishing people harm are not what we expect or tolerate on this site.

    I think people have short memories. They forget the reasons *why* the policing in some areas is as it is. I read somewhere that if the Baltimore crime rate was 'the norm' then the US would have 300,000 homicides per year instead of 12,000 or so that it does. Do the police commit most of those or even a large percentage? Of course not. But to hear some people you'd think they were driving round hanging off cars firing tommy-guns into the crowd.

    The tough / zero tolerance policing was in response to high levels of serious crime.

    Maybe it needs to change but it's not the police's job to decide the rules they are tasked to enforce and I'd rather the system was biased toward victims rather than criminals. Sure, some people make a lot of noise but it doesn't mean they deserve more consideration than the hard working, civilized members of communities that actually contribute to them and don't feed of their follow citizens.

    It's getting a little sickening having people describe "another black youth killed by police" and names of others trotted out when those other cases were shown to be justified.

    I find it hard to believe that the biggest challenge facing some communities is the police. We're now to believe that a city with a black mayor, black police chief and majority black police force has a policing problem. Is it possible that the problem is the attitudes toward the police, the lack of respect for community and general anti-social behavior?

    There will be no one convicted in this case (based on current information) because there is some suggestion he may have harmed himself and no proof so far that anyone particularly did anything to harm him. Together this adds up to reasonable doubt.

    Some people will be unhappy with that but the law shouldn't change or pander to a mob. There are plenty of people who 'get off' when there is far more comprehensive evidence against them. The officers concerned should not be expected to pay for the perceived or claims crimes of others.

  • paulmolark

    Does the site support insulting people like calling them fools?

    other people referring to protesters as welfare recipients etc when the large majority of those protesting have been peaceful. Seems biased but whatever I guess it's just par for the course

    It's fine I'm done here

  • Simon

    Oh no, someone called you a fool? You poor poor thing.

    You seriously think that is comparable to "Go die in a fire"?

    If so, you are not a fool, you're an idiot.

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