WT Society Articles about Apostates

by Scorpion 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scorpion


    "We must hate in the truest sense, which is to regard with extreme and active aversion, to consider as loathsome, odiuos, filthy, to detest." WT 10/1/1952

  • Prisca

    yup, that just about sums up their attitude....

  • mommy

    Hey I looked up this sight, but didn't go in yet.
    I have a question. Why does it say WTBTS of pennsylvania inc.?

  • RR

    Because at one time the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of PA was the parent company, since the reorganization last year, I don't think that is the case!

    "People in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones"

    Edited by - RR on 26 January 2001 9:48:39

  • JAVA

    If every householder held the same possition about not reading anything printed by others concerning their religion, Watchtower propaganda would never leave the JW's book bag.

    The term "apostate" is the abandonment of a former loyalty, like a Christian becoming an Atheist. Indeed, most exiting Witnesses are not loyal to the Watchtower Society, but many still consider themselves Christian. Apostate is rarely used when a member leaves one church to join another (e.g., a Baptist becoming a Methodist), or by folks who consider themselves Christian but don't attend church.

    High-control sects label former members "apostate" in an effort to repress outside information, and to intimidate remaining followers. That's why the Watchtower fears the Internet because information is freely available, and users can access information without the knowledge of others.

    Screaming "apostate" only identifies the Watchtower Society for what it really is; nothing more than another high-control sect trying to enslave its followers. That works until it doesn't work.

    JAVA, counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • Simon

    Scorpion - there is a WT a year earlier (1951) which laments the fact that imperfect / unrighteous human governments won't allow them to kill ex-members like the Isrealites were able to.... Not the sort of 'christian love' message they try to convey now !
    It is on the CD - I have it saved somewhere too, will post the full quote if I find it.

  • amicus

    This is an excerpt from the above referenced site:
    September 1995 Kingdom Ministry “Maintaining a Balanced View of computer Technology”
    “The Society has received reports that such so-called private networks have been used not only to speculate regarding spiritual matters but also to give bad advice, spread gossip and false information, plant negative ideas, raise questions and doubts that subvert the faith of some, and disseminate private interpretations of Scripture. “

    Speculation regarding spiritual matters? Disseminate private interpretations of Scripture? Hmmmmm…I think we’re safe. I don’t see any of that here.

  • Simon

    I guess 'private networks' (private meaning the Internet??) can be just like the WatchTower!
    They seem to use that to "speculate regarding spiritual matters, give bad advice, spread gossip and false information, plant negative ideas, raise questions and doubts that subvert the faith of some, and disseminate private interpretations of Scripture."
    How kind of them to provide such a concise description of it...

  • amicus

    Keen observation. Now that I really am bathed in new light, I often think that when reading the societies publications. They are warning us to stay away from their own teachings! And, they can be sooooooo convincing when they want to be.

  • ISP

    This is extremely poor. The subject is sensationalist.

    This is the context of the article.

    *** w52 10/1 599 A Strong Refuge Today ***
    11 Haters of God and his people are to be hated, but this does not mean that we will take any opportunity of bringing physical hurt to them in a spirit of malice or spite, for both malice and spite belong to the Devil, whereas pure hatred does not. We must hate in the truest sense, which is to regard with extreme and active aversion, to consider as loathsome, odious, filthy, to detest. Surely any haters of God are not fit to live on his beautiful earth. The earth will be rid of the wicked and we shall not need to lift a finger to cause physical harm to come to them, for God will attend to that, but we must have a proper perspective of these enemies. His name signifies recompense to the enemies.

    Are apostates 'haters of God'?
    Are apostates 'haters of Gods people'?

    If the answer is 'yes' if I hated someone I could hardly cry foul if I was hated back!

    I would check for more quotes because this one doesn't do it for me. This garbage gives apostates a bad name!


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