A "sex" Question (possible fluff)

by moman 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • SYN

    My stance on the matter is, if you are afraid of your own sexuality, then you are afraid of being human, and therefore, if you are frigid, you are a robot.

    I'm not shy at all. If I like someone, I will go up to them and tell them exactly what I want to do to them.

    Sometimes this will get me a slap, but more often than not it works like catnip for women. That, and chocolate.

    "...the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing" - The Golden Age
    [SYN], UADA
    - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa.

  • joelbear

    With me, What you see is what you get.

    I behave pretty much the same in real life as I do here and so far haven't been arrested.


  • peaceloveharmony

    syn, i'm so very intrigued by you :)

    what you say here and your other post about whispering in the girl's ear...would be fun to go out on the town with you

  • LDH



  • peaceloveharmony

    hey lisa, i never got around to emailing you about my new piercing. so i'll just tell ya here :) it doesn't hurt. the only real pain was when the needle actually pierces the skin and that last less than a second. after the barbell is in place, no noticable pain. that night i could feel "something" down there, not discomfort, more like a slight tenderness. next day i was totally fine. it is interesting sitting and bending over until you get use to the sensation hehe. anyways, shoot me an email or ask here if you want more details. i think you should go for it. if ya want, when i'm in CA i can go with to hold your hand ;)

    love ya

  • Simon

    I'm a lot more shy in real life and don't flirt as much. Obviously, for personal reasons I don't like to brag about my incredible sexual prowess ...

  • VioletAnai

    What you see is what you get with me!! There's no deceiving on my side, I'm as open as they come!

    The best way to be in my books.

    You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    i rarely ever discuss sex on forums (though i'm bad for flirting ). i'd rather talk about sex with a good pals or the people i am having sexual relations with. i've noticed lately that i'm a lot more graphic and detailish (nice word eh? :P) when i'm hanging with just the boys. i feel much more comfortable discussing sex with men.
    i think it's a good topic and i don't mind talking about it, but i think it's really immature and lame to talk about sex constantly and everywhere/anywhere.

    an interesting note: i used to be part of a forum where a woman was always talking about sex and and how great it is. i had finally met her in person and we started to hang out. i quickly found out that she was not the sex godess that she had painted herself to be. she was quite uncomfortable when men flirted with her and said sexual things in her presence, and she always avoided sexual situations when they came up. i couldn't believe it.

    it's so easy to fool people on the net, and make yourself something you truly are not. it's sad and i don't understand it, but it happens so owells .

    (¯`·.¸the agents of oblivion descend upon the sane¸.·´¯)

  • Solace

    Im much much more reserved on line and to the public.
    Only my man knows how very bad I really am.

  • ShaunaC

    With men I am the same. With women I am shyer in real life. Not all of my women friends that I've had for some time know I'm bi. With new women I meet I tend to hint early on that I appreciate a hot girl. I also usually tell them about the "Couples/Single Women Only" parties we go to once a month in San Francisco.

    I agree with Harmony, guys appreciate the info much more!

    Hey Harmony, when you coming to CA? I'd love to get together.


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