Jesus second coming in the first century

by Jr 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Jr

    This discussion will be quite extensive. So, I have broken it up in to subtopics. It will be shared by myself and associates in the faith. Feel free to express yourselves scripturally. This is a discussion solidly based on the bible. And it will be developed over a period of days for discussion. Jump in at any time. The outline is as follows:

    Jesus second coming

    I. Jesus had to prove himself to be a son of God.(Jr)
    a.) He would be called the son of the most high.
    b.) He had to prove he was a son of God.

    II. A prophetic decree of his appointment.(Logical)
    a.) What being God’s son really meant.
    b.) When was this decree made?

    III. What first century christains expected of his return.(Bjc)
    a.) Conversations with his disciples.
    b.) His statements and what they implied.
    c.) What gentile congregations were taught.

    IV. When and how his authority was shown(Logical)

    V. How the scriptures show he returned.(Jr)
    a.) return to give recompense
    b.) how it manifested itself

    VI. What other questions need to be answered in the light of the other prophecies?(Jr)

    Please examine subject. My first post will be in the morning.

    Edited by - Jr on 25 January 2001 22:38:41

    Edited by - Jr on 26 January 2001 16:35:2

  • Xandit

    I'm sure we're all waiting with baited breath, it's not often that we are privileged to be witness to such profundity. Jr, that's junior right? Yeesh

  • Prisca

    Jr honey... the point to making these long informative (I'm sure!) posts is to....????

  • Jr

    This was a thread started as a result of a previous discussion. It is to recourage a scriptural examination of a particular topic. If you would like to particpate, please let your comments be limited to scriptural support or disproof.

    Jesus had to prove himself to be a son of God

    Many of us believe that Jesus second coming is when he comes back to fight at Armagedom. This discussion is to show otherwise.

    The bible gives unmistakable evidence that helps us determine just when Jesus was actually enthroned in heaven as King. First of all we must go back to the biblical account found at Luke 1:32 which makes a key point for us in determining just when Jesus would indeed be enthroned in the heavens, with complete kingly power. The account says:

    “This one will be great and will be called son of the most high; and Jehovah God will give
    him the throne of David his father.”

    Well you might be saying that Jesus was already the Son of God. Yes, he was. The same way Adam was and myriads of angels.(Luke 3:38; Job 38:7) Well, Adam and many angels willingly sinned against God and joined in with Satan. Many of the Pharisees claimed to be sons of God. “They said to him:

    “We have one Father, God.”…Jesus said to them….You are from your
    father, the Devil and you wish to do the desire of your father…”
    (John 8:41,42,44)

    In this same way, if Jesus could maintain his faithful course and integrity under test, he would prove that nothing could change him from imitating his father. Yes, Jehovah did call Jesus his son at baptism, but would he remain so? We well remember Satan’s words to Jesus:
    “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become loaves of bread.” (Matt 4:3)

    Yes, even Satan wanted to know. So, Jesus had to prove himself under sever test to be declared “son of God” in the full sense.

    “…Concerning his Son, who sprang from the seed of David according to the flesh, but who with power was declared God’s son according to the spirit of holiness by means of resurrection from the dead - yes, Jesus Christ our Lord,” (Romans 1:3,4)

    So, even though Jesus had it natural, by birth, he still had to be “declared a son” after his resurrection. Then he would have proven himself an imitator of his father. He could then receive all the blessings that were promised to David concerning the “Davidic covenant” spoken of at 2 Samuel 7:12-14. :
    “When your days come to the full, and you must lie down with your forefathers, then I shall certainly raise up your seed after you, which will come out of your inward parts; and I shall indeed firmly establish his kingdom. He is the one that will build a house for my name, and I shall certainly establish the throne of his kingdom firmly to time indefinite. I myself shall become his father, and he himself will become my son….” See also Psalms 89:35-37

    Any comments? Or questions?

  • DriveslikeJehu

    Ummm, Jesus didn't have a second coming in the 1st century, did he? Is this some sort of trick question? Are you saying that maybe after he ascended to heaven while in Jerusalem, he came back down somewhere in Central America to teach the Mayans and Incas, like the Mormons believe?

    I'm just confused by the subject title, that's all.

  • Jr

    the point will be made that he did start to rule as King when he went back to heaven. I needed to lay the scriptural foundation before we go into it further. That way everbody can see, it is from the bible. But, before he could be used for anything, he had to prove himself a real "son of God" in the fullest sense.

  • trevor

    Hi jr ,

    You say that before Jesus could be used for anything he had to prove himself fully as a son of God. This is a hang up from the JWS undervaluation of Jesus.

    The bible states that he is 'the primacy over all creation' that 'God dwelt in him' and 'all creation is held together in him.'I think he has already been used - it doesen't get better.


  • Jr

    Why do you think the scriptures show he had to be tested by Satan and go through his horrendous death? Read the scriptures I qouted. If you have scriptures to refute them , please list them. Read the scriptures I quoted. Don't argue with me . Argue with the scriptures I quoted. Disprove them.

  • trevor

    Hi jr,

    According to the Bible jesus came to redeem mankind. He did this by resisting temptation and proving the Law covenant could be kept, by a perfect man. He sacrificed himself for mankind not to further his career. In this he fulfilled the law. He was already perfect when he came. That which is perfect cannot be improved. He was not here to prove himself - he had no need.

    I have resisted quoting endless passages of scripture because the bible can be made to appear to suport almost any opinion dependin on which bit you like to quote.I am sure you will tell me I have got it all terribly wrong so I apologize in advance. Please do not waste too much of your time correcting me I am really not worth the bother.

    More importantly it's Friday evening here in the UK - special night for me - I'm off for a drink right now.

    All the best


  • TR


    There is a bible research forum on this site. Why not move this discussion over there?


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