To You Know: Broken "Sworn Oaths" Be...

by tfs 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know
    notice no scriptural backing for this statement is provided

    Do the rules of this forum demnad that I answer every question and challenge with a detailed Scriptural answer? I don't think so. There aren't enough hours in the day. Besides, most apostates complain that my answers are too long and that I always have a scripture to fall back on. Of course, when I am brief, then the apostates always have the option of running the opposite accusation against me, that I am not answering the question in enough detail. It really doesn't matter, because if you really wanted an answer to the questions posed you would read the Scriptures and find the answers yourself. And if I really thought a poster was sincere I would of course be happy to go into more details. / You Know

  • logical


    Are you MDS under a different name, or are you affiliated with his little watchtower spin-off?

    YK, whats this about only "annointed" being forgiven? It seems to me that these so-called "annointed" should know better and the non-annointed are simply misled by these men and really know no better. Forgiving the wolves and not the scattered sheep is a bit stupid. Where is the sense in that? I want nothing to do with a bloodthirsty "god" like yours.

  • dubla


    Do the rules of this forum demnad that I answer every question and challenge with a detailed Scriptural answer?
    no, your rules stipulate a scriptural answer, not the rules of the forum. you have put that on yourself, many times over. do you remember? heres a very short refresher:

    I can easily defend my faith using the scriptures at my disposal


    There is in fact NOTHING that you can throw at me that I cannot answer with...God's word


    The Bible's explanation is all that matters. / You Know


    there are countless other instances of you claiming to be able to back up all of your beliefs with scripture, these are just a few.

    There aren't enough hours in the day.
    translation: "i cannot answer the challenge youve presented me with."

    Besides, most apostates complain that my answers are too long and that I always have a scripture to fall back on.
    you can generalize and lump all apostates together, as you always do, but the fact remains that i have never complained about your long answers, nor have i ever complained that you always have a scripture to fall back on, so these points are moot when discussing a statement/challenge that i have made.

    It really doesn't matter, because if you really wanted an answer to the questions posed you would read the Scriptures and find the answers yourself.
    good one.....youve just answered the challenge by telling me to read the entire bible and find the answer myself. thats not exactly an answer though, is it? heres another of your past statements that seems relevant to bring up:

    The fact is, I have never backed down from any serious challenge presented by an apostate. far there hasn't been anything apostates have thrown at me that I haven't handled.


    by telling me to read the entire bible and find the answer myself, you are in fact backing down, and you are not handling what ive thrown at you......not by any stretch of the imagination.


  • Reborn2002

    Excellent points dubla.
    And all the King's horses, and all the King's men, could'nt put YouKnow together again.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    YK said:
    "I think the man of lawlessness is within the organization and he is responsible for misleading the brothers into this situation. "

    I absolutely agree with you on this one YK.

    Prov 6:16-19
    There are six things which the LORD hates,
    Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him:
    17 HAUGHTY eyes, a LYING tongue, and hands that shed innocent BLOOD, A heart that devises wicked PLANS, Feet that RUN rapidly to evil, A FALSE witness who utters lies, and one who SPREADS strife among brothers.

  • sf


    Resolution passed at the 1963 Everlasting Good News convention of the JWs
    WE JEHOVAH'S witnesses, met together in [City, State, Country], in one of the "Everlasting Good News" assemblies being held in a continuous chain around the whole world this year of 1963, do this day declare and resolve as follows:

    2 THAT the one living and true God, the Creator of heaven and earth, whose name is Jehovah, is the only God whom we fear and glorify. Him alone will we worship; for him only will we be witnesses in the universal contest now in progress over the question, Who is the Everlasting, All-wise, All-powerful God? and him alone will we urge all peoples everywhere, of whatever race, nationality, tribe, color and language, to worship as the true God without equal;

    3 THAT the Holy Bible, written under inspiration originally in Hebrew, Aramaic and ancient Greek, is his written Word. It is the channel of the one revealed religion that is the absolute truth and that is the unerring guide to pure worship acceptable to God;

    4 THAT God the Creator, to whom his own written Word gives the name Jehovah thousands of times, is the King of Eternity and the Eternal Sovereign of the universe, and to him we owe our supreme allegiance and unqualified obedience. Only by his permission and tolerance have men set up political governments for what is understood to be the public good. His permission for this was not to continue forever or even indefinitely, but was to be brought to an end by the establishment of the kingdom of his beloved Son, the Messiah or Anointed One, the Christ, who was named Jesus when on earth as a perfect man. In the year 1914 the combination of events began on earth that he said would be a visible sign to us that Jehovah God had taken his sovereign power in that year and had set up the kingdom of his Son Jesus Christ for the government of this earth. According to the published information from the Holy Bible, the time then came for all the political nations to yield their sovereignty in the earth peaceably over to the heavenly kingdom of God's enthroned Son Jesus Christ. World history shows that, instead, more than a score of nations, led by Christendom, engaged in a global war for world domination. Because of this course the nations entered into the "time of the end" foretold in the Holy Bible, which will reach a conclusion in their violent destruction;

    5 THAT, in order to prevent the destruction of the nations by their own means in war, the nations further refused the surrender of their sovereignty to God's Messianic kingdom by setting up a society of nations, which, since 1945, has taken the form and the name of the United Nations, with international headquarters at New York city. This international organization stands for world sovereignty by political men. For years men without faith in God's kingdom have endeavored to get all people to worship this international image of human political sovereignty as the best hope for earthly peace and security, in fact, the last hope for humanity. To date 111 nations have given worship to this political image by becoming members of it. However, we, as witnesses of the Sovereign God Jehovah, will continue refusing to engage in such idolatrous worship, for we see, under angelic enlightenment, that God has smitten such idolaters with a malignant ulcer, symbolically speaking, that will spell death to them as spiritually diseased image worshipers who worship a man-made political creation rather than the Creator of heaven and earth;

  • dubla

    bttt for yk......

    the challenge still stands:

    "please provide scriptures showing how this new covenant that only jehovahs witnesses are in with god supercedes zechariah 5:4."


  • Reborn2002

    YouKnow cant dubla.

    This is typical routine for him. When it is an issue he cannot confront or a topic in which he is clearly beaten, he miraculously vanishes or declares it unworthy of his attention. The only other option that remains is he WILL post here with some hysterical spin-tactic and smokescreen, ranting some theoretical nonsense while never truly addressing the very specific request made of him.

    Surely you know this by now.


  • sf
  • dubla


    Surely you know this by now.
    yeah, i think i might have encountered this behavior once or twice with yk, lol. the thing is though, one of his favorite excuses for ignoring posts/challenges/questions is that theyve left the first page of active topics. i figure if i keep it up at the top until i leave the office today, at least he cant use that particular wiggle tactic.


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