bethelite kills self because of guilt 10/31/73

by new boy 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw

    So sad.

    To Jimmy Olson and all the lives that the WT corporation has taken, may they rest in peace.

  • zeb

    As one with bi-polar I can relate to so many of the tragic life accounts above none of which I have ever heard of till now.

    "Cold hearted bitch" Stuck up snot" what descriptions! Suicides! I am disgusted to my core with this this org a font of such misery and unbridled hypocrisy. F***** Nazis!

    Is it any wonder there is child abuse in wt on an industrial scale.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    "He served at Bethel", people say with great pride, not knowing or caring about their children's real lives. Where is reality? Where is love?

    It is so sad that so many good hearted people went into this 'alternative Nazi boot camp'. Even if you didn't have a mental condition, the sad reality, the rejection, the loss of hope, the "keep your mouth shut so you don't defame Jehovah's name" crap, the "If you gossip and tell you will be DF'd" garbage, the realization that nobody (even your parents) care about you could be overwhelming to many.

    3rdgen I knew that family, had always heard a very different, "limited" story of his death, now 53 years later I learn the sad reality.

    Thank you for bumping this, Bob. These people deserve a pause of thought, they deserve to be reconsidered.

  • Diogenesister

    It is the modern day Abraham and Issac...these folks pass their own flesh and blood "through the fire".. Child sacrifice is an evil thing..the Borg is always willing to sacrifice a few more.

    An earlier poster to this thread said it aright that " obsessive doctrine should never come before a life"

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