Does the WT have spies here?

by logical1 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Paralipomenon

    It's highly unlikely the WTBTS files takedowns manually (i.e. after finding a video), as YouTube has automated the process to look for copyright violations (process is called Content ID).

    I went through Google's Takedown notice database a while ago and the Watchtower issues their own notices.

  • supernerdboy

    Fuck non vilation take downs. Or any take down for that matter. We are supose to have free speach and freedom. How are we to acheave this is people who have difrent opinions are deleted!

  • djeggnog


    Does bethel have spies hereā€¦?

    No. Why? This website and whatever may be written to it isn't anyone's business, but the owner's and those to whom @Simon gjrants permission to post messages to it. Christianity promotes not just freedom, but free speech and the freedom to choose whatever ractivity it is one may wish to engage, whether that activity be sinful or harmful or beneficial. Your asking such a question auggests a bit of paranoia.


    Just read a current WT. They are obviously reading threads here and responding in their mags!

    Which one? If anyone not a guest of Simon's should come to this website and read any of the threads started on JWN, this has nothing at all to do with the content that appears in our magazines and everything to do with what those people that may have come here and read one or more of the threads started in here has opined as to their experience. The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society doesn't spend its time going to social networking websites to learn things it has already learned from those who have actually been to such websites.

    @Found Sheep:

    My life is 100 times better after leaving that cult

    Like how is your life "better"? Do you mean you have fewer things to do every week or that you have ao much more time to do things that you weren't able -- time-wise -- to do?

    As I get older, I notice that more and more of the people I used to know in life are dying off from this or that. What kind of death I'm going to have is not something about which I can speculate since, so far, everything about my body seems to work just fine without any need on my part to see a physician about obtaining a pill for some ailment that I fully expect to sustain in the years to come, but I'm in the "cult," and my life isn't 100 times better than anyone else's life. I've not needed any medical treatment (I sustained a fracture to my ankle as a teenager, but I haven't since needed to see any medical professional, except for the dentist) so I would imagine that my life is arguably three times better than that of other folks, but I have ni idea what "100 time" would even mean, that is, if this expression you used here actually meant anything.


    Fuck non [violation] take downs. Or any take down for that matter. We are [supposed] to have free speach and freedom.

    Do you mean as an American citizen under the US Constitution? If you are an American, you have this. If you mean here on JWN, @Simon is king here; you have no such rights, but the owner of this "government" determines what constitutes fairness on here, and if you do not wish to abide by the "laws" of @Simon's government, yiu get to self-deport! Nice, huh?


  • moshe

    JWs think their life is better, because they are told by the WT rag it's better inside the KH than on the outside-- Lying is what they have done all their life--

  • supernerdboy

    "Do you mean as an American citizen under the US Constitution? If you are an American, you have this. If you mean here on JWN, @Simon is king here; you have no such rights, but the owner of this "government" determines what constitutes fairness on here, and if you do not wish to abide by the "laws" of @Simon's government, yiu get to self-deport" No I do not mean on one site. I mean like as a whole. Look at how many songs are removed on youtube for take down requests. Government of anytype should not be able to tell simon what he can or can not have on his website. I would go as far as to say he should be able to alow things to insite hatred as well as things that are ilegal in some countree but not in others such as child porn. The internet is like its own world and should not have any interference from any one government. It is a democracy for all. I get mad when I see all the unjust or even just take downs. Before long if this continues I will not even be able to have a site called They will take it down like vultures becouse they want more members and the truth being out will not be alowed. It may get to the point were all these sites are taken down by jws by request kind of how the south park ep "super best friends" disapeared/

  • nugget

    Whether they have spies or not faders need to be mindful that this is an open forum that can be read by anyone. If JWs do suspect that you are posting here then they can try to identify you from your posts. So be careful what personal information you divulge and do not share your id with people you do not know and trust. Just speaking from experience.

  • ziddina

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