Do you think marrying an unbeliever could be a disfellowshipping offense in the future?

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  • Vidiot

    notjustyet - "...they needed a "catch all" teaching that had some teeth and that would be broad in it's scope and that would allow the Elders to whip it ouot when they saw fit. Thus came the idea about Brazen Conduct."

    I think you're on to something.

  • blondie

    If they make a df'ing offense, what plausible scripture/principle would they use. Were Israelites executed for marrying non-Israelites? The WTS compares df'ing to capitol (execution) offenses under the law code.

  • Vidiot

    eyeuse2badub - "In dubland, one can be df'ed for smoking which is not mentioned in the bible, df'ed for taking a blood transfusion--which is not mentioned in the bible but not df'ed for marrying an unbeliever which is specifically mentioned in the bible as a n- no for christians. Go figure!"

    I suspect the WTS has always quietly wrestled with this.

    On some level, I think the GB would love to give JWs who marry "worldies" the boot for the sole reason that - by their actions - they're defying the GB's directives.

    The fact that JW women significantly outnumber available JW men, however, makes hookups with nonJW guys virtually unavoidable; the number of DFings would increase to a degree that could cause internal problems. As much as the WTS might want to give any rule-breakers the heave-ho, they can't do it too much without undermining the entire edifice's foundation.

    So they grit their teeth and just give 'em a slap on the wrist.

    For now, anyway; I've said this before, but these days, I think they kind of want to pare the R&F down to a more manageable size.

  • jgnat

    Would they DF Moses? He married a Moabitess.

  • blondie

    Or better yet, Solomon, who married his foreign wives after the law was given.

    I thought Zipporah was a Midianite descendants of Abraham through his 3rd wife Keturah. The Midianites did work with the Moabites to tempt Israel...

  • Oubliette

    Let's be absolutely clear on this: The GB can say whatever they want. They can change doctrines and policy at will. They do not have to justify it or explain it.

    They use words like "evidently" in place of real evidence to change foundational doctrines. The Bible is no more than a prop in this charade. They can even change the Bible and no one objects, at least not anyone that is not willing to risk being expelled and shunned.

    As they recently published in the November 15th, 2013 WT, it doesn't even have to make sense! They STILL expect you to obey whatever they say. Welcome to their Brave New World.

    What is the title of the current GB's favorite song?

    Listen, Obey and Be Blessed!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Is there a marriage between an ubelieving spouse and a JW legitimate? They could redefine marriage. How will they fill the KH if only JWs are there? There were tons of nonbeliever-JW marriages when I was a kid.

  • blondie

    Yes, the WTS can say "this is a cookie" and it is really a cow chip and some jws will accept it. Some will quietly know it is crap and others will say it is crap with their small circle of friends.

    We could escalate this to saying spouses have to divorce disfellowshipped mates or if a they have an unbelieving mate when they get baptized they have to divorce them (though there are some fairly clear scriptures advising them to say with an unbelieving mate).

    The WTS has not conditioned the rank and file yet to accept df'ing someone for marrying a non-jw. But they do "mark" them and the shunning can last some time. The WTS likes to say that df'ing offenses have to find some basis in laws in the law code that required execution. But then they df people who commit fornication not just adultery and fornication was not a capital offense under the law code.

    The WTS only has power over people if they let them. And I can speak this personal experience. It helped me learn to deal with my pedophile father and alcoholic mother when I was too young to leave. Remember it is a cult or cultlike which rules through lies and fear.


  • villagegirl

    Yeah, my thought is - I really really don't give a flying f...

    (fandangle that is )

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