Just Because Your Sinning Spouse Attends Meetings, They're Better Than You Are???

by itscrap&theyknowit! 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • itscrap&theyknowit!

    Hello, All! It's been a long time.

    Well, I guess I'm gonna have to 'cut the cord' with my family.Of course, they are all BIG SINNERS in Jehovah's borganization, as is my husband. BUT, I NEED TO GET IT TOGETHER AND START ATTENDING MEETINGS AGAIN!

    Because he is the hypocrite and I don't tell them everything that goes on in our marriage, his word holds power over mine. Basically, my divorcing him and my not attending the meetings with my children is the MOST horrendous offense......not his adulterous ways.

    WTF???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please help me to cope with this. I just don't understand it!!!!!!!!!

  • perfect1

    I am afriad I dont quite understand your post.

  • issuesneedtissues

    Well of course Hon. The borg wants and needs to maintain control over numbers. They will of course attempt to overpower Your emotions and actions in order to keep You and Yours attending and counted.

    No worries, enjoy Your freedom and celebrate Your empowerment! Keep Yourself and Your Children FREE!!!

  • issuesneedtissues

    Oh, and I understood Your post very well and am confused by anyone who didnt.

  • EndofMysteries

    attending meetings is more important then helping the poor, etc as well, everybody knows that! There are 3 things one must do to get saved, go to meeting, field service, and bow low and kiss the feet of the GB.

  • Jadeen

    It's all about appearances- your ex goes to meetings and tells everyone his sob story and you get fingered as the bad guy. I've seen that a lot!

  • issuesneedtissues

    You know, sometimes all We can do when faced with bullies is, take our ball and leave the playground.

  • itscrap&theyknowit!



    What I'm saying is that my JW family are gossipers, liars, back-stabbers, fornicators/adulteres, wife-beaters, deceitful.... I mean whatever it says in Proverbs 6:16 about the six things that Jehovah hates and SEVEN are detestable to his soul.....many JDUBBS I know has this list on point! And still yet I am wrong for not trying to work things out with the fater of my children PLUS I have the audacity to have thrown Jehovah to the side!

    I have not THOWN Jehovah to the side! I just don't attend organized BULL**** that wants to do head counts for the sake of numbers! I'm saying I will have to make a decision to "separate" myself and my children from my hypocrital JDUBB family. I feel the only reason my mom invites me over is to "check me out" and reprimand me.

    In one breath, my mom is like on e of those "chanting" religions: "JEHOVAH SAID, JEHOVAH SAID, JEHOVAH SAID...FIELD SERVICE, FIELD SERVICE, FIELD SERVICE. But, out of the same supposedly wholesome mouth:"THAT BI***, THAT MUTHA-EFFER, THAT H-O-E-, etc, etc......" It's like she has Tourette Syndrome. Does she even hear herself??

    So, what I'm saying is they feel that as long as a person is "attending the kingdom hall" they are the best of the best of the best...OMG!!! I just can't take the hypocrisy!

    I thank any and all of you for being understanding. I feel as though I'm rambling on. I need a "physical" support group to tell me that I'm not the one who's crazy, here.

  • perfect1

    Oh I get it now.

    You arent crazy. You just need other refernce points. Maybe time for a little reverse shunning.

  • itscrap&theyknowit!

    Exactly!! Reverse shunning. This "crap" has really put a damper on my energy level.

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