The Major Prophets! Were they crazy?

by smmcroberts 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Some of them were probably psychotic. Isaiah heared "God voice" telling him to take off his clothes, After that he walked around naked for 3 years. Ezekiel did some strange things like using shit when he baked his bread. Hoseah heared Gods voice telling him to get out and pick up a hooker, marry her and produce children know what!

  • yalbmert99

    It appears that Jesus of Nazareth was suffering from paranoïd schizophrenia with hallucinations, delusions and paranoïa. This book explains it but it is only available in french, free online :

  • Leolaia

    They lived in a different culture and time. It is wrong to think of them (as some do) simply as foretellers of the future or even as men in a purely religious profession. These guys were political activists. If the regime in power found them credible, then they were appointed as political advisors. Otherwise they were anti-government activists. The attention-grabbing stuff that Ezekiel and Jeremiah did reminds me of some of the antics sixties' anti-war protestors did in demonstrations against the Vietnam War.

    In October 1967, David Dellinger of the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam asked Jerry Rubin to help mobilize and direct a March on the Pentagon. [ 4 ] The protesters gathered at the Lincoln Memorial as Dellinger and Dr. Benjamin Spock gave speeches to the mass of people. [ 5 ] From there, the group marched towards the Pentagon. As the protesters neared the Pentagon, they were met by soldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division [ 5 ] who formed a human barricade blocking the Pentagon steps. [ 4 ] Not to be dissuaded, Hoffman vowed to levitate the Pentagon [ 5 ] claiming he would attempt to use psychic energy to levitate the Pentagon until it would turn orange and begin to vibrate, at which time the war in Vietnam would end. [ 6 ]

    Jeremiah was convinced that the king's foreign policy was extremely dangerous and going to lead to the destruction of the nation. He was on the right side of history, even if he really didn't have divine foresight of the future, he correctly understood the ramifications of a rebellious course against Babylon.

  • flipper

    Yeah, they were all crazy. Probably trippin' on acid or at least a little Peyote. Especially John writing Revelation and Daniel talking about beasts, I mean - come on

  • smmcroberts


    Well, if we're going to use someone on a bad LSD trip as our touchstone, then I guess the major prophets don't look so crazy.

    But I think your point has value: there were so many prophets, and so many false prophecies that people tended to ignore them. So they had to resort to stunts to get attention. Still, the death of Ezekiel's wife would surely have been going too far. Maybe he just capitalized on her natural death at the most opportune time to make his point. Even that seems heartless to me, however.

  • mP

    LIke verything perspective is everything. We must realise that xianity has painted a very different picture from te reality of what is written in the Bible. THey also fail to teach the history of what happened, where and why. They always paint a very custom and often erroneous picture.

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