Struggling to keep balance

by Lee Elder 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • amccullough

    You Know,
    Trying to connect this murder to his being apostate is as silly as connecting it to JW policy. Aunty's post was spot on. There is nothing in this man's life that was an excuse for what he did, therefore the blame can only land on the murderer. If you are going to connect the responsibility with him being apostate, or with the JWs, then you also need to blame everyone else, maybe his job didn't give him the raise he requested, maybe his customers didn't like his hairstyle so he didn't get repeat business. The point is...WHO KNOWS? I doubt anyone on this board does, yet everyone is quick to use it as an example for their own agenda.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Good thinking, YouKnow!

    You have a story about a JW who was DF'd and shunned who then kills his family and himself and you twist it to show how APOSTATES could be motivated to kill "God's people."

    Do you credit the Theocratic Ministry School with the development of your analytical skills, or is that your borderline psychotic paranoia talking?

    Your comments demonstrate how Dubs teetering on the edge of sanity could easily flip out and become a threat to the general population.

    - Nathan Natas, UADNA
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • You Know
    You Know
    Do you credit the Theocratic Ministry School with the development of your analytical skills

    Yes. / You Know

  • ISP

    LOL YK....I'm an apostate. I couldn't give a rats @ss about 'Gods people'! If they want to live in Lala-land...its their choice! Murderous thoughts are not in my mind. They are however very much in the great WTS god's that will ethnically cleans billions from the earth whilst preserving such deserving ones like yourself! I guess its that what makes you feel good sicko.


  • Latina

    Are you a witness?

  • ISP


    I don't think you were asking me?!


  • Latina

    Is You Know a witness?

  • dungbeetle

    DON'T FEED THE....

    The true apostates Fred Hall and You know are likely posting on threads like these to keep the other Oregon threads off the fornt 'active page'.


    UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    Your comments indicate that you are not familiar with many facts of Bob Bryant's personal life, but you are so quick to allow that Watchtower dogma could have had nothing to do with his actions.

    Bob Bryant was self-employed, for one thing.

    Now, do the Witnesses hold any beliefs that might be seen by a man in an agitated emotional state - I'll admit that I'm only ASSUMING his emotional state was "agitated" - is it possible that he was clam, deliberate and logical when he did this? You tell me - as giving him permission to put his wife and children and then himself "to sleep" for "a little while"?

    YES, Watchtower dogma can support such a view, as best articulated by SixofNine and Farkel and less well by myself.

    People behave on the basis of their beliefs. Ergo, their beliefs (memes) AND THE SOURCES OF THESE BELIEFS are culpable for their behavior. We need to identify harmful beliefs like the JWs and discourage their dissemination. We need to innoculate people against these harmful memes. This is being done.

    - Nathan Natas, UADNA
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • ISP

    YK.....would be DF'd by the WTS if they knew all about him! I think he is a witness of sorts....but hey so am I!!!


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