You will ALL burn in hell

by Uboat_Ninja 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • messenger

    According to JW doctrine aren't we all going to hell?

  • LB

    Poor Uboat, all gone. First Simon axes him. Then he'll be destroyed for hanging out with apostates

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • plmkrzy

    Uboat_Ninja is a Catholic apostate? Whats he doing here?[8>]

    Hey Uboat! YooHooo! U took a wrong turn somwhere. This is a Jehovah's Witness discussion Forum. Here let me spell it for U

    The C's are waaaay back. U past them up about 7 alphabets ago.

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    I've been to hell. Twice.
    It's not so bad.

  • Okidok

    In first, you are definitive not a JW. JW don’t use terms like "burn in hell" on the other hand, the entity Jehovah is absent to do anything, he is taking care of by a psychotherapist. His problem is psychopathic disease

    "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue.."
    Winston Churchill.

  • 2SYN

    Oh boy, I think someone misunderstood the exact 'religion' we usually discuss on this board.

    Now that's what I call FLAMING!

    TIP: Read the big GIF at the extreme top-lefthand corner of every page here! Maybe then you can come back and flame us more accurately!

    Also, remember that most of the people here were or still are Dubs, and we've been told we're going to Hell by so many people from other religions for so long that it just bounces off us like water off a duck's back, my friend.

    "The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing" - The Golden Age
    [SYN], Unseen Apostate Directorate of *SOMEWHERE*.

  • Nowfree

    Errm - JWs don't believe in hell do they??

    At least they didn't all the 23 years I was involved with it!

    Isn't Uboat Ninja sweet? You have got to hand it to him folks - he did try!!


  • orangefatcat

    Hey you, who made you judge and jury? Matthew 7:1
    Read it dummy. You are an arrogant SOB and that doesn't stand for short of breath. Get a life.

  • D8TA

    "All you apostates will BURN IN HELL when Jehovah returns".

    Uh yah. And when did the JW's start preaching the HELL doctrine? If you were REALLY a JW member, or X-member, you would KNOW they DO NOT preach the Hell doctrine.

    Now, had you said "All you apostates will be thrown in to the Lake of Fire when Jehovah returns", I think you would have something here.

    (Or mention Gehenna, or Hades, or some other seriously mitranslated trash from the NWT and/or WT/Awake.) did humor me. Please, humor me more.


    ~ A day no season would claim ~

  • Sargon

    It can't be that bad, I hear they ice-cold beer there. And we wont have to light the BBQ to cook our dogs and burgers. Hope to see you down here mister uboat ninja!!

    Imagination is more important than Knowledge. Albert Einstein

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