Real sad

by claudia 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    And I am sick and tired of a couple other things from you. "Women understand better than men" When Amicus and I defened mommie I was so happy with the detailed appreciation that the other women gave. What did you do? One brief sentence, followed by your "however" about how women could do a better, more subtle job of devastating a threat. Faint praise followed by the glorification of your gender. How pathetic! You have said many times that you could take a man down any time with your mouth. Well, go for it, either here or on private e mail. You know what is sad. When I wrote an opinion to you about something I thought you should say to your husband. I almost added "I love you", but I thought you would take it the wrong way, like you were showing your verbal cleavage or something, and I'm like a dog chasing a bitch in heat. Now, would you like play more verbal games with me and show just how good you are at verble abuse when your acid hatred toward men really fires you up?

  • mommy

    I would like to comment on the education too. I was thinking of starting a thread on this very subject. When I was in primary school, my parents were brought in for a conference in school, seems I was on the "right" side of the genius scale. My parents were encouraged to let me excel at a faster rate, ie skipping grades and studying at a higher level. Mind you in 3rd grade I was completing my sisters 10th grade homework.
    Being good JW parents they forsake it. They did let me jump a few grades but always reminded me that I was going to have to quit school at 16 like all the rest of my sisters. My teachers were so encouraging to me and in 5th grade my teacher that I will never forget:) Secretly gave me an sat test for preaddmission to college. Needless to say I passed with flying colors. I was soooo excited thinking wow it doesn't matter what my parents say I will still be able to go to college.She assured me $ wouldn't be an issue because of all the scholarships.
    When I was to enter 8th grade the school again skipped me and I was on my way to 9th. It was in this year I realized I am NEVER going to college. I was so upset and depressed that I didn't even want to go to school anymore. I started not even caring about the classes and purposely failing my exams. Needless to say I ended up taking 9th grade twice. The whole time not even caring if I was there. The final year I was in school I never went. At the end of the year they put the days present 30 something instead of the days absent! Well on final exam day I walked into the classes that I had not been in all year and took the exams, I made A's in all of them:)
    The piont of this story? Now I have a family I am unable to take time away from them to further my education. And with a 7th grade education my writing skills STINK and formatting is not in my vocabulary:) I often wonder what life would be like if my parents did encourage me to further my education, hey you never know I might have bought them a really big house:)But then again they would have lost it in armegeddon anyway!

  • JT

    Larc wrote:

    On the 1975 thread he maintained that the majority of JW's took 1975 with a grain of salt. That's just not the way it was. To take it with a grain of salt means you don't believe it. Twice, I asked Xandit if he shared his disbeliefs regarding 1975 and the no college rule with his JW brothers, and I also asked him if he had other disbeliefs. He never did answer me.

    This thing about the WT saying we never said you can't, we just suggest that you shouldn't. That is similiar to what you face when you work for a very authoritarian boss. If he says to you, "I suggest that you do this." That is not a suggestion. That is a direct order. Authoritarian religions are the same, as you pionted out in your examples above.

    you post was on the money WHEN I READ "take it with a Grain of Salt"
    my "BS" Radar went off-

    to refer to the counsel from the FDS as something that JW could take as a grain of salt was funny- in fact that is the Entire Substance of being a jw to listen to the Mouth PC of god with all due Respect

    so when he said that i showed it to my wife and the first thing she said was-- he sounds like he studied for 3 months and never got baptized


    it is the shear disregard for the truth about matters that involve jw history is what i find so sad-

    much of the info presented to jw OFTEN TIMES is presented as "THE UNDISPUTALE FACTS"

    and when you put it in terms of the FDS speakd for God who questions god

    the wt has always liken itself to Moses, and other reps of god
    and demanded that what they say be be repected on the same Par as what Moseses said on matters- they are always marching out that old
    Murmering routine to instill fear in it's members

    recalling wt history accurately is not a very strong point found among most jw in my exp- they usually like to paint a better picture than what is actually is- but then again they had excellent teachers

    just my 2


  • granny

    My hubby and I were married 34yrs ago and we had an experience similar to the one Claudia spoke of. My hubby's parents refused to come to our wedding because we were being married in a church. My hubby wasinactive at the time but not yet disfellowshipped.It would have been nice if his mom and dad had been at our wedding because my mom passed away before I ever met my hubby.My dad was there but no mom. We had convinced my hubby's grandma to come to the wedding and she was really looking forward to it. My hubby's momm found out she had agreed to come and told her if she went she would be taken in front of a committee. Grandma wanted to come but she was so scared of the committee that she stayed home. We found out after the wedding that they had gone to Hubby's dads bosses funeral in that very same church months before we were married ther. I asked mom why they could go to a funeral there and not to their own son's wedding. She told me they only went to the funeral because they did'nt want dad to lose his job. One excuse is as good as another I guess. As you sais REAL SAD!!!.

  • granny

    My hubby and I were married 34yrs ago and we had an experience similar to the one Claudia spoke of. My hubby's parents refused to come to our wedding because we were being married in a church. My hubby wasinactive at the time but not yet disfellowshipped.It would have been nice if his mom and dad had been at our wedding because my mom passed away before I ever met my hubby.My dad was there but no mom. We had convinced my hubby's grandma to come to the wedding and she was really looking forward to it. My hubby's momm found out she had agreed to come and told her if she went she would be taken in front of a committee. Grandma wanted to come but she was so scared of the committee that she stayed home. We found out after the wedding that they had gone to Hubby's dads bosses funeral in that very same church months before we were married ther. I asked mom why they could go to a funeral there and not to their own son's wedding. She told me they only went to the funeral because they did'nt want dad to lose his job. One excuse is as good as another I guess. As you sais REAL SAD!!!.

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