Competing In the name of Jehovah!

by Beck_Melbourne 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    hey timbo.
    I used to do the mikes too. My old man ran the sound department.
    Handling the mikes was good, Icould demonstrate my technique with the lariat whirling the leads into loops, best of all though, people i didnt like, I could pull the mike slowly away from their face, or off to one side, and watch them craning to get their words into the mike reciever.

  • taoInitiate

    I would have been competitive, but in our cong. there was no one to compete with.

    At most times there were so few young people that even if you'd wanted to compete you couldn't. And at other times, when a few youngies drifted through, they couldn't have cared less about competing in "spiritual things".

    So I was a "lone acheiver".

    Poor me

  • Perry
    Boy was I wrong! My "best friend" decided to use the opportunity to slam me for COPYING HER! Again, it was a glaring case of "my dad is an elder and I can do no wrong!" She wasn't my "best friend" anymore after that episode.


    I never had any sisters so women have always been a source of great wonderment for me. Your story above totally cracked me up. I can justy see that happening.

    The world would be an awfully boring place without our wonderful women!

  • chezza

    Hi beck,
    I remember like you the enthusiasm when we were kids to get our answers out, and they would always pick the elders kids or the "spiritually strong parents kids", but what used to really irritate me was how a new bible study would come into the hall and instead of using the publishers and i considered myself a spiritually strong publisher at that time(married to an elder), they would always give them to the pioneers, the poor pioneers, who had to foot slog their hours, what made them better than the publishers, after all wasnt the prize the same for pioneers and publishers, the joy of knowing you were pleasing jehovah. Plllllllease.

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