Questions for those that believe in Electricity

by OnTheWayOut 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    You can't see electricity or hear it or feel it. Well, there are sparks and lightning bolts and heating elements and the light and heat of filaments. And somehow, it lights up neon in a tube. But it's all just a theory. You can't say where electricity comes from. It's all just a theory. Does electricity flow like water or is it a back-and-forth within a conductor? And how does anything travel inside solid wires.

    I mean, when electricity is used, where does the used electricity go? We know energy cannot be created or destroyed, so not really knowing where it comes from and where it goes should be major red flags.

    Tiny particles traveling at about the speed of light through wires. Yeah, right. The Bible never mentions electricity. I could go on and on with my problems with electricity. People think it's much better established than the theory of evolution, but it's not better established. Both are just observations and measurements that can be verified, but without any proof of what they are verifying actually existing.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Please don't get him angry.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    "You can't see electricity or hear it or feel it."

    Let me correct you about that one, at least.

    You can feel electricity, - as most electricians can attest to (very few of us have not inadvertently touched something that was live at 240 volts to earth, and you can feel that, all right. Talk about livening up your day!)

    That is why such devices as cattle prods and electric fences work like they do; the animal on the receiving end can feel the passage of electricity through its body - and feel it very well!


  • JeffT

    If you don't believe what Bill said, go piss on an electric fence and see how that adjusts your feeling.

    Also you can both hear and see electricity. Stand under a big long distance transmission line and less to the hum. That's electricity. Pull the plug on an electrical appliance without turning it off. That bright flash is electricity. This may also give you another chance to feel it.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The hum of transmission lines and transformers, the shock. You guys are just talking to me like I am ignorant of the obvious. You can't prove that it isn't the angels humming or that it's holy spirit that shocks you.

    Cattle prods and electric fences- ha. You will probably tell me there's a device that can deliver electricity to a human body like through pads on the chest to get the heart jump started or some kind of gun that could shock a criminal suspect so you don't have to shoot him.

    You know, such things are not mentioned in my holy book. Lots and lots of sheep herders had a hand in that book and if electricity were real, it would have said so right after it banned slavery.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Then again, if a certain holy book says nothing about this phenomenon, then it cannot possibly exist.

    You are right - and I retract all my previous statements!

    (Might still wear insulating gloves though, just in case)


  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle
    Electricity....I see it and feel it every month after I receive my utility bill and pay ConEd.
  • bohm

    Hah, like an electric fence is supposed to prove anything. You can also get a good shock by watching a horror movie or hitting your toe on a table-leg, but oh no, these observations does not fit the electriasism worldview so they are just dismissed.

  • Splash

    Short scientific experiment with an electric fence

  • bohm

    Actually it is important to distinguish between two concepts that Maxwellists often mix together to confuse lay-people. One is microelectricity, or "static electricity", which is a substance that reside on certain surfaces such as balloons or electric fences. The other is "electricity" which supposedly has magical properties like being able to flow through solid metal, but for some reason it cannot flow through wood, an embarrassing fact Maxwellists tries to hide, hah!

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