WT May 1st - Watch out for traitors in our midst!

by dmouse 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    "we could be tempted to weave personal preferences or opinions"

    Whose opinions do the writers of this material have? Are they THEIR personal opinions?
    If it is Jehovah's opinions...then he has purposly made many mistakes.

  • dungbeetle

    speaking of disengenuity, try these two examples:

    1) WT: December 1939 page 317:


    BEING reminded that this is the time when God is removing from his organization everything that can be shaken, “that those things which cannot be shaken may remain” (Heb. 12 : 26,27), the members of the board of directors of the WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY, for the information and protection of those who are devoted to God’s organization, request that The Watchtower publish what follows:

    On the 21st of July, 1939, a paper writing in the form of a letter, signed by 0. R. Moyle, was left at the desk in the lobby of the Bethel home addressed to the president of the Society. Because that paper involved the entire family at Bethel, it was properly brought bcfore the board and before the family. The letter, being filled with false, slanderous and libelous statements, was vigorously condemned by the board, and by all the members of the Bethel family. The board unanimously adopted the following Resolution, which was also approved by the family:

    WT: December 1939 page 382:


    (The following is from the son of 0. R. Moyle)

    DEAR BROTHER RUTHERFORD: On August 8, 1939, when the Bethel family was asked to express their disapproval of the letter of 0. R. Moyle, I expressed my approval by remaining seated. After prayerful and Scriptural consideration of the matter I am now of the opinion that my actioun was wrong. I wish to state that I am in full harmony with the Theocracy of Jehovah and I recognize the Society as the visible part. I desire to cooperate to the best of my ability and opportunity.

    Yours in the Kingdom interests,


    Well then, obviously Moyle's letter wasn't denounced by EVERY Bethel member WAS IT!!!

    2) Today at the meeting, the Watchtower study was all about the anointed, and who is and who isn't. I must have heard ten differnet commenters say "the number of the anointed is decreasing".

    Now we all know that this hasn't been true in years, and especially true last year. Do you think one elder or ministerial servent spoke up and made a correction during the Watchtower study? H**L NO!! Do you think any of those commenters will be publicly/privately reproved for publicly telling a lie? H**L NO!

    And just to make matters better, several comments were like this: "If there need to be replacements for the 144,000 that fall away, it will only be from among long-time servants of Jehovah" (no scriptures to back this up, of course. No scriptures to back up any of this)One elder said this TWICE...

    I think the Watchtower is declaring was on partakers after last years RISE of partakers. I heard at least several more times FROM THE ELDERS "don't partake if you have ANY question...if you are new and want to partake, you need to change your thinking..." blah blah blah.

    Lying sacks of useless S**T...

    2004 Memorial Attendance: 15,000,000
    2004 Memorial Partakers: 6,000,000

    UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)

  • biblexaminer

    We also had a bunch of useless drivel spouted in our hall.

    The GB is desperately trying to get the number down. According to Watchtower prophecy, it's supposed to be dropping. SO, "do what it takes to make it drop" must have been the theme of one of recent GB meetings.

    Take a look at the number of publishers. They want to get this to rise at any cost. So, they make a new rule that "elderly publishers" can count even 15 minutes and so remain an "active publisher".

    Now that's desperate. The "death throes of an old dragon".

  • Satanus

    Paranoia rises. Soon the wt animal will devour itself. Horrible! I'm sure glad i'm out!!


  • Satanus


    2004 Memorial Partakers: 6,000,000
    Is that a typo?
  • Pathofthorns
    Paranoia rises. Soon the wt animal will devour itself. Horrible! I'm sure glad i'm out!!

    That gets my vote for the quote of the day. Talk about breeding an atmosphere of suspicion, everyone on the watch for 'traitors' in their mist reporting them to the elders. A bunch of self-righteous wackos who don't seem to be terribly concerned about appearing like a cult.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    "thought police in the congregations'
    They are already there in the form of every member of the congregation. all watching each other and reporting things that appear unorthodox.Just like, in 1984, the little kid in the apartment
    where Smith went to unclog the drain pipe.
    In "1984" Big Brother had watchers in the crowds, party officials skilled in scanning body language, watching whether anyone lacked "enthusiasm' as they screamed abuse at "Goldstein'on the visio screen.

  • picosito

    Those that do not carefully examine and put to the test the mouthings of Schmucks who claim to be God's servants will continue to suffer needlessly.

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