Cedars...I took you up on the song challenge....

by diana netherton 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • BroMac

    I would do a vocal.... but i could be found out.

  • cedars

    I just wanted to briefly thank the three ladies (AnnOMaly, Mamochan13 and Lois) who have kindly sent in vocal tracks for the "Billions and Billions" song, and also thank Diana for her excellent work on the lyrics. I've already started mixing it all together, and once it's up on YouTube I'll make sure you get to hear of it.

    However, events on the forum today have shaken me and forced me to re-evaluate how much time I spend on here. I'm going to be taking a break from JWN for a few weeks and focus instead on my work over on JWsurvey and elsewhere. Hopefully by the time I return I'll be in a far better position to cope with the occasional idiots you encounter on this website who are desperate to cause offense, pick a fight or "get one over" on others. I've had a lot of reassurance that I'm not the only one who feels there are certain lines of decency and respect that shouldn't be crossed - but even so, I think a break would do me good.

    In the meantime, thanks for all the help and support I've received, and please look after eachother.


  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Thanks, Cedars. I don't know why some people are so hateful at times. I just want to say

    that I appreciate all you do, as I'm sure most do as well. Unfortunately, there are a few haters

    that must be so unhappy with their lives that they endeavour to pass their miseries on.

    I've actually come to almost feel sorry for them. Some of them must be pretty lonely.

    Karma can be a bitch....

  • NewChapter

    And 3rd verse, line three:

    "whether they are sheep or goats" not "and whether it's embraced or not"

    INTERESTING! In the late 90's they changed their understanding of sheep and goats. I remember the WT article. The article said that the separation of sheep and goats was not happening during the d2d work, but would take place later. So I was a good Dubbie, and 'embraced' this new understanding. We were studying the Greatest Man book at the time! So we got to the story that dealt with the sheep and the goats, and I even cut the paragraphs out of the WT and slid them into my book, figuring we'd be discussing the new understanding, since the book contained the old understanding.

    NOTHING. We went through the story, and not one person mentioned the recent WT with new light. LOL I was stunned. Not even the conductor. I thought about bringing it up, but felt intimidated. Afterall, we had 2 elders, 3 pioneers, and 2 or 3 MS in our group, and none of them even mentioned it! So----------that really made me uncomfortable. It's one of the first times that they all looked like a bunch of robots to me, but I was to hang in there for years more.

    I started to worry that maybe I had not understood the WT article, and that if I said something, I would be corrected pubically, so I didn't chance it. I think I understood it though, I just think they had not read or retained it.

    So I veered off topic, but the thing that I found interesting is they changed the song lyrics. I had never thought about that before.

  • mamochan13

    Cedars, a break can do a lot of good - you do so much to help out here, thank you.

    People can be hateful at times, I agree, Diana. Grief can bring out the worst in people, unfortunately, including unreasonable anger. This thread isn't the right place for the discussion, but I wonder whether the nature of this particular community makes it more susceptible to that type of thing. There is a lot of deep-seated anger here.

    That's why we need to do more singing!

  • Diest

    Cedar's its really good, but it needs something....


  • AnnOMaly

    I'm going to be taking a break from JWN for a few weeks ...

    I give you a week, max. You won't be able to help yourself

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Cedars, I too get tired of the bickering, and I understand your need to take a break. I know I sometimes contriubte to people getting worked up. I hope I didn't say anything to cause you offense. The whole Shelby vs New Chapter thing was sad... We gotta push the love and tolerance thing a bit more on this site.

    I think the Oompa situation is a great opportunity to realize that there is another feeling person on the other end. The words we say can greatly affect them. If we disagree, fine. But lets disagree in a kind way. State our views, and don't make another person feel bad/stupid/evil for expressing themselves. Something we ALL can learn from.

  • elderelite

    Yes it is really sad that some take this ocassion to draw attention to themselves. Sad indeed. Attention whoring in the midist of a tradgedy is unforgivable. Im reminded of jessie jackson who took advantage of martin luther kings death to glorify himself and raise his status in the civil rights movment. A shame when people do that. Priase be to jeshua Whatyamacallhim we dont have anyone on this board who would do that!

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