Cedars...I took you up on the song challenge....

by diana netherton 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars

    If anyone wants to sing and record it in time with the music and send it to me as an mp3, I will happily consider it for a YouTube video!

    My email is [email protected]

    This could be your moment of fame!!


  • mamochan13

    Impressive, Diana. I love it.

  • krejames

    I'm listening to it right now...it sounds the same to me...

    Yes! Sorry you're right - I was getting mixed up with From House to House. That used to be a happy little number, now the tune makes it a bit depressing - (at least more realistic though, I guess).

  • AnnOMaly

    If anyone can get hold of the Watchtower Symphony Orchestra version, with the peppy march from the middle and John Williams Supermanesque finish (or is it more 'Airplane!'?) - anyhoo, an mp3 of it is on the internet, y'know, just Google - that would be the perfect backing track. Get a cheerful singer and bingo. Almost tempted myself ...

    (The symphony version always reminds me of conventions in long bygone days. They always played this one just before the sessions were about to start. Momentary pang of nostalgia, there.)

    And yeah, they totally killed From House to House ... and, come to think of it, Move Ahead.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    The only problem with the symphony version is that it does not follow the exact verse/chorus/verse structure of the regular song and hence the lyrics.

    You can see that here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-lx-_5DXBs

  • AnnOMaly

    You just sample the sections you want. 2 x peppy middle bit, plus 1 x big finish. Is nobody a VLC or Audacity whizz around here?

  • mamochan13

    Actually Audacity is really easy to use. It's a nifty little program. You could dub yourself singing with it, too.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    This is a Keeper!

  • AnnOMaly

    Diana - brilliant job.

    Now I'm gonna nitpick. Only suggestions. Take 'em or leave 'em.

    Billions and Billions of corpses,

    Stacked tall from earth to sky.

    Each one an evil do-er,

    Each one deserved to die.

    Billions there are on billions,

    Littered from land to sea

    Strew o'er all the nations, <---- needs an extra word to fit with music. Suggest "Strewn o'er all the nations' lands"

    God's final victory.

    Billions and billions of dead ones,

    Glowing flesh plain to see.

    Nuked with a ball of fire,

    By God ever lovingly.

    Billions there are on billions,

    And Gladly we let them know

    The fate that would soon befell befall them <--- "befall them all"

    If our way they did not go.

    Billions and billions of corpses,

    Struck down both far and near.

    God's cloud of radiation

    Cleared them all outta here.

    And as they keep on rotting --

    Mountains of putrid men,

    Patient, we wait on God's word <--- Suggest "God's own word" - extra word needed for rythmn of the music

    On how to dispose of them.

  • mamochan13

    AnnOMaly - I'm a bit confused by your rhythms. "Strewn o'er all the nations" fit perfectly into the musical syntax. You are adding an extra syllable and extra note. That's the whole reason the Society always used apostrophes. They could eliminate words, i.e. "o'er"

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