Encounter with two elders last night

by sd-7 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious
    Ah. Of course. Like visiting your old 'magazine route' to see how they're doing, right? Ha. Well, things have developed that eliminate the value of luck in this instance. You know, an accumulation of facts and all.

    Yup, magazine routes accomplish the same thing. That's why the Watchtower and Awake are constantly pulling on heart strings, or at least selecting content that has a chance to. That's the purpose of the preaching work. To comb territories looking for emotionally insecure people to turn into worker drones (THREE CHEERS FOR FREE LABOR!). Predators go for the young and the sick for easy meals. The Watchtower warns against itself when it teaches principles derived from 1 Peter 5:8.

    Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

    Be on alert? Like, even when you're answering your door?


  • sd-7

    Bah...well, I guess I do have to think harder about their point of view. There will be a need for more intensive training for the kids if I expect them to stand a chance. Ironically, the one thing I really think helps the most is just reading Bible by itself. That created a lot of cognitive dissonance for me even when I believed in it. Lots of work to do, I see...


  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    sd-7 said:

    Bah...well, I guess I do have to think harder about their point of view. There will be a need for more intensive training for the kids if I expect them to stand a chance. Ironically, the one thing I really think helps the most is just reading Bible by itself. That created a lot of cognitive dissonance for me even when I believed in it. Lots of work to do, I see...

    Yup, that's my point: while YOU are free and a "lost cause" in their book, your family isn't, and you've read all the horrific stories of what it's like when family members are used as pawns in a game of tug-of-war that destroys families.

    Just saying, it's a game, and you might consider playing the role of not being completely beyond hope (eg "I'm still thinking, and confused about things") vs telling them it'll be a cold day in Hell before you'd ever return, simply for the long-term benefit of your family. Is it lying? Hell, yeah! But you didn't create the game: you're just trapped in the game with family members at stake.

    That's just a rehashing of typical advice I've read on JWN which strikes me as a perfectly-valid strategy, but obviously it's your life to choose your own path.

  • sd-7
    Yup, that's my point: while YOU are free and a "lost cause" in their book, your family isn't, and you've read all the horrific stories of what it's like when family members are used as pawns in a game of tug-of-war that destroys families.
    Just saying, it's a game, and you might consider playing the role of not being completely beyond hope (eg "I'm still thinking, and confused about things") vs telling them it'll be a cold day in Hell before you'd ever return, simply for the long-term benefit of your family. Is it lying? Hell, yeah! But you didn't create the game: you're just trapped in the game with family members at stake.

    No. I will not negotiate with them. It's not a game, my friend. It's war. In the end, they will probably win, but they will not win without a fight. My family has nothing to fear from me. I'm not interested in getting my wife out, and I probably can't get my kids out. But look, there are no more roles to play, no more games. That was for when I was on the inside. They will not be forgiven or allowed to have a free pass because they are the big and bad Watchtower Society. Not with all they've taken from me.

    It will be a quiet war, for now. But it will never be anything more or anything less than war. Period.


  • Magwitch

    SD-7 So sorry you have to go through this. It has got to be tough to even enter the KH parking lot - don't know if I could do it.

    I find it interesting that some ex JW's continue to be visited, shepherded (hounded) etc, then others walk out the door and are forgotten about almost immediately.

  • sd-7
    I find it interesting that some ex JW's continue to be visited, shepherded (hounded) etc, then others walk out the door and are forgotten about almost immediately.

    Must be my charming personality.

    Nah, I see the problem here. The fear is that I could take 3 other people with me if they decided to believe me. One of them being a male child, who could grow up to be an elder, etc. So I guess they'll be watching closely. Assuming the Mrs. actually gets a measure of zeal in her. Or maybe there's something else. I don't know. I don't know how far into this they have pondered. Perhaps they thought I was influencing my wife to stay home from meetings. She has said before that she doesn't like to be there without me. Even with all we've been through, with all that is hard to forgive between us, I find it hard not to want to be there just because she's there, myself. Something they could take advantage of, I suppose, but only in theory. In reality, I can't compromise on this.


  • Lozhasleft

    Wishing you well SD7 and strength to cope with these elders.

    Loz x

  • 00DAD

    sd-7: The thing that gets me about these guys is that they really won't leave people alone. It's like they want to drag out the spiritual abuse as long as possible.

    Yes, abuser gotta' abuse. Plus some of this is no doubt a bit of theater for your wife's sake. They want to look good for her like they're doing what they're supposed to do. It's all about appearances in JW-land.

    sd-7 Did they think I wasn't training for the day we would cross swords again?

    There's your mistake. You were thinking they think. They don't. They just do what they're told without thinking, ever. That's what Anthony Morris, III meant when he called JWs "the thinkingest people" on the planet.

    sd-7: After you've had true spiritual meat, and tasted of true freedom of mind, how can you ever want poisoned apple sauce again?

    Of course not, but since they haven't experienced that they can never understand it.

    Hang in there buddy, I love your rants. They're more articulate and insightful than most.

    sd-7: ... there are no more roles to play, no more games. ... I'll continue to fight for freedom and do my best to treat them with honor. ... I can't compromise on this.

    That's the ticket - Carry on my wayward Son!


    Quoth the raven, "Nevermore."

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    The CO checks the records to see if they are following up on the Society's direction to contact disfellowshipped ones who might show some repentantce. You were at the Hall and that shows a glimmer of hope to them. Lames.

  • undercover

    The CO checks the records to see if they are following up on the Society's direction to contact disfellowshipped ones who might show some repentantce. You were at the Hall and that shows a glimmer of hope to them.

    Yea, you're an easy mark. They don't even have to put forth an effort in contacting you. You come to them. Now they can mark a check by your name and it gets the CO off their back.

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