Danielson's experiment, DOH!

by Danielson 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Naeblis

    I'm Simon.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    to search for someone's posts you can either click on the little paper icons under a certain posters name

    or you can go to the 'members' listings, find 'Truth Defender' and/or 'danielson', and click on the post icon by their name.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Heres Danny boy debating with himself in the "Bible a reliable book thread".

    "DUDE,You SUCK!!! You sound just like the watchtower society, only believe it or not with alot less intellect,good luck ass wipe!!!!!! sorry guys i know i usually don't swear".

    Truth defender:
    "Tsk,Tsk,such language Danielson? I see this place has molded you well! This section is called Bible Research, is it not? I was merely stating whats been known about the Bible from countless experts and archeologists, not me. What's a troll".

    You bin a BAddd boy.
    HAHAhahaha. Spank spank.

  • avengers

    What the hell is a "Truth Defender"?

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    refiners, i know, i already read them all. i don't really care that he did it... i just think the reason he claimed he did it is off a bit. he probably just thought it would be fun, but can't admit it .
    avengers, a person who thinks they know the truth and can/will try to support and uphold this truth?

  • Scully

    So, Danielson, it took you 2 days to think up that lame excuse, huh?

    Sorry, I don't buy it. And I won't be buying anything of yours anymore either.

    Love, Scully

  • Imbue

    I think Dan is very confused at this time and he just wants to fit in with the crowd. He was surely just trying to pull a prank. Give him a break he's got one foot in and one foot out and he doesn't know whether he's coming or going.

    Dan your in need of guidance. I suggest you get a non-christen counselor maybe Jewish. Someone non-christen will be less judgmental. Many people coming out of religious environments need an objective person to talk with in order to identify their issues.

    Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • Imbue

    Sully I'm surprised your so punitive. I would think you would be more understanding about Dans confusion. He is going through a crisis and everyone reacts differently. I don't think he meant harm anyone. He seems gentle as a lamb. A twisted lamb but a lamb LOL.

    Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • Sargon

    Oh Danny Boy!! Say it ain't so.
    To fib so close to good old
    Saint Paddy's. The pipes are calling...

    Imagination is more important than Knowledge. Albert Einstein

  • SixofNine

    We all should reserve the greatest part of our judgement towards others on the net, until we have either had coffee with them face to face, several times, or at least seen their consistent words for about 6 months or more.

    None of you have the slightest clue who Danielson is. Some of you are making him into what you'd like him to be, while he just grins along.

    Whoever he is, I can't blame him if he is grinning at it all.

    Often, even when people have been 100% accurate about themselves (at least as far as their own perceptions of themselves go) , they are far different than we built them to be.

    That is the nature of us. No reason, after a bit of experience, to either be excited, on the one hand, or hurt, on the other hand, by anyone who you don't really know on these boards. You don't really know very many on these boards, even if you think you do. That is the nature of us.

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