Jehovah's Witnesses do not get divorces

by Las Malvinas son Argentinas 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tooz

    Divorce ... for grounds other than pornea ... is scriptural. I will post a lot more on this later.

    But in a nutshell ... as JW's are taught that are different greek words that are translated into "Love" ... there are several different greek words that get translated into "divorce" several of which do NOT mean legal divorce.

    Much of which is taken literal from Matthew chapter 5 is simply a mistranslatin of those greek words into the English Language.

    More to come later ...

  • jgnat

    Congratulations on the new babe, and reconnecting with the new grandfather.

    Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses do not get divorces, or harbor murderers, or swindlers. Because they are disfellowshipped before the verdict comes out.

    They hide the pedophiles and silence the victims.

    The divorce rate amongst the Jehovah's Witnesses is the same as the general population.

  • drewcoul

    Good post. Great to see progress in your relationship with your dad!!! I am very happy for you both!

    On a related note, I recently went to the funeral of an inactive JW. There were a number of people about my age (40) who I have known since we were teenagers in the same hall. There were, if I recall 8 of us there roughly the same age, and all baptized. Of the 8, all of us married witnesses. Of the 8 of us who married witnesses, 6 of us divorced our JW mate. Of the 6 who divorced our JW spouses, 5 divorced because the other JW spouse committed adultery. The other one had an affair of her own. The other two who are still married have faded with their spouses.

    Its a shame that JWs frown so heavily on marriage counseling and therapy. Think of the families that would still be together if they would learn to understand themselves and work on their marriage.

  • Etude

    @LMSA: Congratulations on your new progeny! I think I understand your situation with your father. Just the other day, I wrote to my sister telling her how all the years we've lost (regardless of blame or even due to the fact that we made up after she left the WTS) can never be recovered. I don't know what it would take to make up for it. But whatever it is, the clock resets. Depending on the individuals, a new relationship has to start, one that may never be what either person would have expected or hoped for. That's gotta be the worst part about being a Witless. I'm sure there are exceptions if the familial ties were strong and not severely damaged.

    I think that one of you showing a significant gesture towards the other would go a long way. You started by contacting him and telling him about his grand-daughter. It appears he was touched. Spending sufficient time together can foster that new relationship. Unfortunately, that's one of the things that life and circumstances do not always afford us. It takes a great deal of effort to make that happen. But by all means, keep that new door open.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    LMsA- Congratulations and Best wishes on the baby girl. And good luck with your dad.

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