
by Searchn4answrs 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Searchn4answrs

    I had included this update in my last thread.But didnt get much notice....hope this latest thread does.......

    Howdy Ya'll....As of earlier this year a judge approved a custody order that allows me to use my better judgment in regards to time sharing with the X.... However, because my children choose sports and academic "endeavors" (as the X refers to it);he chooses to treat them like the enemy and shuns both my 8yr &16 yr old.... While I dont mind that I have them 365 days a yr. Its really affecting my lil one. We have attempted to call ,email and text . However he is totally refusing communication. He did petition for joint custody and refused to let us leave the state at out last hearing. However his custody request was denied and his visits every other weekend were eliminated. But I was not granted permission to leave the state. Because he refuses any conventional methods of communication; We were both ordered to respond to any emails within 24hrs. He has repeatedly failed to do so. I have countless emails requesting verification of my youngest's drop off arrangements. However there is no response;despite copying an elder in an email,to insure his compliance. My question is how do I go about composing a letter for the congregation to expose his failure to comply and provide (emotionally) for his children???

    PS...I plan to send a copy to the WTS and our local news station...

  • mrsjones5

    " My question is how do I go about composing a letter for the congregation to expose his failure to comply and provide (emotionally) for his children???"

    My answer to that would be to leave the hall out of your private affairs and deal with your jerk of an ex through family court.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Wow your ex is a duch bag. Shunning his own children

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    If he fails to do anything that is court-ordered, he can be held in contempt..not

    responding to emails about the children is crucial. Keep all of your emails and document

    everything. If he persists in his behaviour, there will be a very good chance of your

    petition to leave the state being granted by a judge. Basically, he is digging his own

    hole. It's up to you, but if I were you, I would let things go as they are and if nothing

    changes in six months' time, petition the court for modification. It should go your way.

    Unfortunately, you can't force him to be a father. You can force him to pay and that's about

    it. I hope he comes around. It would be a shame for them not to have a dad...

    I work in court a lot so if you have any questions, you can PM me.


  • whathappened

    This is a legal matter. Leave the elders out of it or it will never be settled.

  • ldrnomo

    I agree with mrsjones, you don't need to deal with the KH politics it will only frustrate you and will accomplish little. I remember when I was an elder/PO and congregation members would bring their family problems to me I would tell them to deal with it on their own and sometimes I would casually mention it to the person the complaint was levied at.

    You will not find justice in a Kingdom Hall.

  • Searchn4answrs

    Thank you for your responses...@ mrsJones5 the organization has no bearing on the legal aspects,however I see him carrying on with his privledges as a Rnk &File... Technically Im still "in". So I have every right to share this bit of info with these clowns.

    I wish they didnt want their father in their lives,but they do. All I can do is be both parents for them. They are both well behaved children...Excellent grades ,and participate succesfully in sports.Im not sure ,why any sain parent would act as if their children were dead??

    And I definitely keep a tight record of all are communications. He was warned ,that if his lack of communication persisted I would be granted Soul and Legal custody. I have total faith in the legal system. Its been really empowering for me. Him and his faith are a joke to the courts. Its actually really embarrasing,as he represents himself.(and he claims jehovah is on his side)

    @DianaNetherton,thank you. I will definately PM you

  • mrsjones5

    " So I have every right to share this bit of info with these clowns."

    Yes you do have a right to divulge your personal business with those clowns but what you think you will gain from doing so, retribution and satisfaction perhaps, has no guarantee of happening especially if you are not a member of the org. So IMHO it's a waste of time, your efforts and energy are better focused elsewhere.

  • perfect1

    sp: *douche bag

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    I believe you've been given some sound advice. Leave the KH & elders out of it. I can see your wanting to expose your ex as the 'dead beat' father he is so that elders in the hall will realize just what he really is. There are parents that would love to be in your position of not having the believing mate in a position to indoctrinate your children. I feel bad for your children at having been rejected by their father. At least they know it is not you that is keeping them from having a relationship with their Dad. Hope your situation improves and that a judge will grant you full custody & you can be free to move where ever you want. Leslie

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