It's Not Just JWs Who Practice Hateful Shunning

by Quendi 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rebel8

    the LDS "Mormon" church allows members to attend other churches, read other peoples' religious materials, read anti-Mormon literature and discuss critical topics on websites.

    FYI, while I was researching to write this, I talked with ex-LDS extensively. They claim that is what the church tells the public but in fact they are "highly discouraged" from reading the Internet and critique just as dubs are.

  • Scully

    Hutterites and Mennonites also practice shunning.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Yes, I think all the religions that use shunning as a display of tough LOVE are all practicing Hypocrites.

  • ziddina
    "But even if there is some truth to this, the “shunning” would be completely different than that experienced by Jehovah’s Witnesses. First, there is no church-sanctioned form of shunning anywhere...." Cold Steel, post #426

    Ah, not to be too nit-picky here, but neither the thread title nor the OP limited this discussion to only "church-sanctioned form[s]" of shunning.

    Whether "church-sanctioned" or unofficial, shunning is still a painful, destructive and - as Rip pointed out - hypocritical behavior.

  • carla

    You want a real view on Mormon's go to their ex site like this one for ex jw's, The Mormon Curtain is one I can think of off the top of my head.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    FYI, while I was researching to write this, I talked with ex-LDS extensively. They claim that is what the church tells the public but in fact they are "highly discouraged" from reading the Internet and critique just as dubs are.

    Completely untrue. Many ex-LDS leave because they don't know that much about the church and they just wander off. Others feel like they've been deceived, that the church has held things back. The LDS have an extensive apologetics arm, which is independent of church leaders. Much of their stuff is on YouTube under FAIRLDS. If anyone wants any specific info on this, PM me.

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