"Breaking Amish" TV show on TLC

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  • loading

    Has anyone seen this show yet? It was really hard for me to watch the first episode in its entirety. I haven't yet. It's so hard to see these young people have to decide between their family/religion vs. freedom or be shunned from everything/one.

    Or... maybe it's because this is my life? hmm... depressing.

    They REALLY need a "Breaking JW" show. This gives me ideas... :)

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    No loading, I haven't seen it. But, your idea for a Breaking JW is a good one.

    Did anyone ever call you "four eyes?"or say "you have chicken legs"? Or that "your smile is a little crooked"?

    Just teasing. I'm looking at your avatar!

  • ziddina

    I haven't watched it, but have "surfed" it.

    Yes, the parallels between JW life - especially for young people who are discouraged from attending college - and the cloistered Amish, are pretty clear.

    I'd bet that the Watchtower boys would put a quick end to any attempt to duplicate that show using JW youths... Too bad. I'd love to see something like, "Shunned Jehovah's Witnesses!" show up on reality TV - it could be SO much more dramatic...

  • loading

    I've been trying to upload a new picture but Gravatar is giving me grief. AND I can't even paste it in this reply.

  • loading

    How would the WT stop a show like that? What can they do? Just curious.

  • ziddina


    If it's any consolation, my new computer has had a TON of problems - still isn't working right...

    Keep trying - perhaps you'll figure it out. There may be online tutorials or forums that could give you some ideas.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    ok wait a damn minute

    a religion, that is so terrified of technology they won't even drive CARS, has a reality show before the jws???

    next thing you know, the amish will have:

    • embraced evolution
    • accepted blood transfusions (if they haven't already and i'm really starting to think they'd already be cool with it. it's LIFE)
    • will have accepted the big bang
    • would encourage their kids to attend college

    all before the flippin jdubs

  • ziddina
    "How would the WT stop a show like that? What can they do? Just curious." Loading, post #30

    Lawyers, Loading...

    Lots and lots of expensively-college-educated-at-the-Watchtower-Society's-expense lawyers...

  • EmptyInside

    I saw the previews of the show. I can't watch it since I don't have cable. But,it seems interesting.

    I also noted that some of those young people featured were adopted by the Amish. I couldn't get over how many children they adopt.

  • EmptyInside

    I always thought it would be interesting to have a show featuring Witnesses. But,I'm not sure how it would do in the ratings,it might be boring,unless some wife-swapping congregation was featured.

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